
来源 :广西政报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shilinjun2000
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各地区行署,各市、县、自治县人民政府,柳铁,防城港区,区直各委、办、厅、局:根据中央关于今后各地要逐步放开肉、禽、蛋、菜价格,减少财政补贴的精神,和我区副食品等价格放开后,多年来市场平稳的情况,为了有利于理顺一些不合理的价格,自治区人民政府决定从一九九二年起对我区现行的财政补贴政策作如下调整:一、取消自治区财政每年安排五市为平抑春节、元旦等节日市场副食品价格的补贴,今后节日市场供应由五市根据财力自行安排,自治区不再给予补贴。 Administrative offices in all regions, cities, counties and autonomous counties, people’s governments of all cities, counties and autonomous counties, Liucheng Railway, Fangchenggang District and all levels of the commissions, offices, offices and bureaus: According to the Central Government’s proposal to gradually liberalize the prices of meat, poultry, eggs and vegetables in various places in the future and reduce financial subsidies , And our district non-staple food price liberalization, the market has been stable over the years, in order to help rationalize some of the unreasonable prices, autonomous regions and the People’s Government decided to our district from 1992 onwards the current financial subsidies Policies to be adjusted as follows: First, the abolition of financial autonomy to arrange five cities each year to curb the Spring Festival, New Year’s Day and other holiday market subsidies for food prices, the future market supply by the five municipalities according to their own financial arrangements, the autonomous region is no longer subsidized.
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随着社会主义现代化建设的飞速发展 ,我国病案管理工作由传统管理模式向现代管理模式转变 ,计算机信息技术在病案管理中得到了一定程度的应用 ,但要实现病案管理的现代化 ,仍
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在古代 ,自医巫分离以后 ,医生作为一种独立的职业出现 ,就存在着医患关系。当时的医学基本是经验医学 ,医生亲自接诊 ,询问病史 ,了解病情 ,提出诊断意见及实施治疗。如中医
1 创新是预防保健工作的前提 制定卫生防病工作计划、目标和具体实践都离不开创新。思维创新、制度创新和科技创新应当成为新时期卫生防病工作的主旋律。 1 Innovation is
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