
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(神经病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lin2009888
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Five right- handed patients with a right- sided vestibular neuritis were examined twice with fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography while lying supine with eyes closed: once during the acute stage (mean, 6.6 days) and then 3 months later when central vestibular compensation had occurred. Regional cerebral glucose metabolism (rCGM) was significantly increased (p < 0.001 uncorrected) during the acute stage in multisensory vestibular cortical and subcortical areas (parietoinsular vestibular cortex in the posterior insula, posterolateral thalamus, anterior cingulate gyrus [Brodmann area 32/24], pontomesencephalic brainstem, hippocampus). Simultaneously, there was a significant rCGM decrease in the visual (Brodmann area 17 to 19) and somatosensory cortex areas in the postcentral gyrus as well as in parts of the auditory cortex (transverse temporal gyrus). Fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography thus allows imaging of the cortical activation pattern that is induced by unilateral peripheral vestibular loss. It was possible to demonstrate that the central vestibular system including the vestibular cortex exhibits a visual- vestibular activation- deactivation pattern during the acute stage of vestibular neuritis similar to that in healthy volunteers during unilaterl labyrinthine stimulation. Contrary to experimental vestibular stimulation, the activation of the vestibular cortex was not bilateral but was unilateral and contralateral to the right- sided labyrinthine failure. Five right-handed patients with a right-sided vestibular neuritis were twice administered with fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography while lying supine with eyes closed: once during the acute stage (mean, 6.6 days) and then 3 months later when central vestibular compensation occurred occurred. Regional cerebral glucose metabolism (rCGM) was significantly increased (p <0.001 uncorrected) during the acute stage in multisensory vestibular cortical and subcortical areas (parietoinsular vestibular cortex in the posterior insula, posterolateral thalamus, anterior cingulate gyrus [Brodmann area 32/24], pontomesencephalic brainstem, hippocampus). Simultaneously, there was a significant rCGM decrease in the visual (Brodmann area 17 to 19) and somatosensory cortex areas in the postcentral gyrus as well as in parts of the auditory cortex (transverse temporal gyrus). Fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography thus allows imaging of the cortical activation pattern that is induced by unilat It was possible to demonstrate that the central vestibular system including the vestibular cortex exhibits a visual-vestibular activation-deactivation pattern during the acute stage of vestibular neuritis similar to that in healthy volunteers during unilaterl labyrinthine stimulation. Contrary to experimental vestibular stimulation, the activation of the vestibular cortex was not bilateral but was unilateral and contralateral to the right-sided labyrinthine failure.
16年辛苦养育儿子成人,他却挥舞着哑铃砸向 了儿子的头部,而后又将尸体肢解。最终他和妻子 忍受不了良心的谴责,选择了自杀…… 16 years hard to raise his son adult, he
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生不用封万户侯,但愿一识九寨沟。 返朴归真自然美,遨游仙境乐无忧。 千座瑶池千层碧,莹丽碧澈美人眸。 满谷霓裳镶翡翠,叠嶂飞瀑白云悠。 林海荡波山欲动,珠连玉串挂飞流。 鸣泉