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Beijing Great Wall sees smooth travel after visitor limits  The famous Badaling section of the Great Wall in Beijing has bid farewell to crowded conditions after limiting visitors to 65,000 a day sinc
出生日期:2000年11月12日  爱好:唱歌  座右铭:自信是成功的第一秘诀。  就读学校:江苏省赣榆县罗阳中学初三5班  指导老师:陈传光  Colours in Our Life  The world is full of colours. We should learn how to use colours.  When feeling sad, we can choose bright
支部简介  民进上海交通大学医学院(原上海第二医科大学)基层委员会瑞金医院支部成立于1992年2月,现有会员82人。会员以从事医疗卫生工作的高中级知识分子为主。支部多次被评为民进上海市委会先进基层支部。2010年,获“民进全国先进基层组織”称号。2015年,获“民进全国先进集体”称号。  民进上海交通大学医学院(原上海第二医科大学)基层委员会瑞金支部注重组织建设和支部的凝聚力,充分利用各种形式展现
摘 要 我国的传统文化博大精深,丰富多彩,不仅具有自身的特色,并且对于新时期社会的发展影响深远。中国传统美术色彩是在我国历史发展的长河中逐渐形成的,具有自身独特的艺术魅力。尤其是近些年来,中华民族优秀传统文化的作用越来越被重视,并且已经采取了一系列有效措施将其发扬和继承,中国传统美术色彩对现代社会的影响已经逐渐渗透到了平面设计中。因此,本文简单分析了平面设计视觉传达效果与中国传统美术色彩之间的关系
It is said that about half of the people in China smoke. Many young boys and girls have the habit of smoking, though they are middle school students.  As we all know, smoking does great harm to human
《我在另一个世界等你》  《我在另一个世界等着你》(也译作《异界》)是加·泽文在2005年发表的一部关于年轻人的魔幻现实主义小说。泽文的这部处女作讲述的是15岁的女孩莉茲·霍尔因为车祸而早逝,死后醒来发现自己来到了一个叫作“异界”的地方。这里和地球非常相似,但却有本质上的区别。在异界,每个人都会从死的那天起倒着生长,一直到再回到婴儿时期才能返回地球。  莉兹在异界遇到了现在非常年轻的外婆,外婆一直
Nowadays, more and more students take tutorial classes. I made a survey on what my classmates think of it.  60% of the students think it is good for them to take tutorial classes. They think studying
English Is My Colorful、Wrld
I love all kinds of sports, but I like playing basketball best.  I didn’t like basketball at all before. Here is a story which made me interested in playing basketball. One day when I was in Grade One
Why do we buy stuff? Not everything we buy is useful, so there must be other reasons why we work so hard to buy things.  Maybe it’s because we find a sense of happiness or satisfaction when we buy som