H_∞-based fault detection for nonlinear networked systems with random packet dropout and probabilist

来源 :Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mlj1234567890
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The fault detection problem for the nonlinear networked control system(NCS) with packet dropout and delay is investigated.A nonlinear stochastic system model is proposed to account for the NCS with random packet dropout and networkinduced non-uniformly distributed time-varying delay in both from sensor to controller(S/C) and from controller to actuator(C/A).Based on the obtained NCS model,employing an observer-based fault detection filter as the residual generator,the addressed fault detection problem is converted into an auxiliary nonlinear H∞ control problem.Then,with the help of Lyapunov functional approach,a sufficient condition for the desired fault detection filter is constructed in terms of certain linear matrix inequalities,which depend on not only the delay interval but also the delay interval occurrence rate and successful packet communication rate.Especially,a trade-off phenomenon between the maximum allowable delay bound and successful data packet transmission rate is found,which is typically resulted from the limited bandwidth of communication networks.The effectiveness of the proposed method is demonstrated by a simulation example. The fault detection problem for the nonlinear networked control system (NCS) with packet dropout and delay is investigated. A nonlinear stochastic system model is proposed to account for the NCS with random packet dropout and network induced non-uniformly distributed time-varying delay in both from Based on the obtained NCS model, employing an observer-based fault detection filter as the residual generator, the addressed fault detection problem is converted into an auxiliary nonlinear H∞ control problem.Then, with the help of Lyapunov functional approach, a sufficient condition for the desired fault detection filter is constructed in terms of certain linear matrix inequalities, which depend on not only the delay interval but also the delay interval occurrence rate and successful packet communication rate.Especially, a trade-off phenomenon between the maximum allowable delay bound and successful data packet transmission rate is fou nd, which is typically induced from the limited bandwidth of communication networks. the effectiveness of the proposed method is demonstrated by a simulation example.
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摘要:新闻敏感是使记者从大干世界中辨识具有新闻价值事件的一种能力。基层新闻记者应当进一步对自己的新闻敏感进行培养,从而为受众提供更多准确且有价值的新闻。  关键词:新闻记者;新闻敏感;培养策略  一、基层记者新闻敏感培养的意义  (一)有利于记者快速获取新闻线索  基层记者培养了新闻敏感,有利于基层记者陕速获取到新闻线索。合格的新闻记者,应当具备很强的新闻敏感,从而能够迅速地发现有价值的新闻,这样
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