一身正气敢碰硬 两袖清风不染尘——记全国先进工作者廊坊市安次区物价局局长靳克敏同志

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先进:在许多人或同类事物中最进步、可以作为学习榜样的。录自《辞海》引子列车在京津线上急驰,我们《中国物价》采访小组一行人的目的地是河北省廊坊市,那里的安次区物价局愣是出了一个全国先进工作者,闯进国庆前夕在北京召开的全国劳动模范和先进工作者表彰大会,参加了国庆四十周年的盛典,并受到 Advanced: The most advanced among many people or similar things, can serve as a model for learning. Recorded from the “Ci Hai” introduction train rushes on the Beijing-Tianjin Railway. The destination of our “Chinese Price” interview team’s delegation is Langfang City, Hebei Province, where the Price Bureau of Anci County is a national advanced worker. After the celebration ceremony for the National Model Workers and Advanced Workers held in Beijing on the eve of the National Day, they participated in the grand celebration of the fortieth anniversary of the National Day.
全国生产资料成本价格研究会关于《生产资料双轨价格并轨问题》优秀论文评审工作,经过有关专家、学者组成的专门评审委员会的认真评审,现将获奖论文和作者公布如下: The Na
一、我国当前物价方面的主要问题是什么? 物价管理大体分为两个层次,一是宏观经济管理层次,主要是对物价总水平的管理;二是微观经济管理层次,主要是对具体商品的价格管理。
One of the problems in our daily lives is that many of us rush through1 the day, with no time for anything ... and when we have time to get a bite to eat, we go
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牛津大学的一次分班考试试题完型填空部分有这样一个句子:But it was not until the beginning of(26.A.this B.next C.that)century that anybody(27.A.were B.is C.was)abl
The Swiss are the world’s keenest railway users. The distance covered by rail passengers in 2005 amounted to 2,039km for every person in the country, The Swis