
来源 :国内外机电一体化技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:christain008
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造纸术是中国四大发明之一,人类文明史上的一项杰出的贡献,自从公元105年东汉蔡伦发明造纸术以来,纸就成了人类文化传播,互相交流的最重要的载体。那么WEINVIEW HMI已广泛的应用在现代造纸业,也是非常值得自豪的,在科技飞速发展的今天,造纸工业已经越来越发达,越来越快捷。本文主要介绍了WEINVIEW的触摸屏在造纸行业的应用,在这个系统中HMI(触摸屏简称)跟西门子S7-300的PLC连接,HMI通过S7-300的多个BD模块地址,控制造纸整个设备的流程运行。主要参数是:碎浆,长纤磨浆,混合纤磨浆,短纤疏解,配浆,水处理,多盘电机控制,BF纸机运行。主要的还有很多参数的控制,比如碎浆系统中的高浓除渣器设定:充满时间设定,除污时间设定,清洗时间设定,排放时间设定。还有各个系统电机的运行控制。配合PLC实现电机的手动和自动运行。还有运行频率的设定,变压器电流SP的设定和显示。 Papermaking is one of the four great inventions in China and an outstanding contribution to the history of human civilization. Since the paper-making of Cai Lun in the Eastern Han Dynasty in 105 AD, paper became the most important carrier of human cultural communication and exchange. So WEINVIEW HMI has been widely used in the modern paper industry, is also very proud, in the rapid development of science and technology, the paper industry has become more and more developed, faster and faster. This article mainly introduces the application of WEINVIEW touch screen in the papermaking industry. In this system, HMI (touch screen abbreviation) is connected with PLC of Siemens S7-300. The HMI controls the process flow of the whole equipment of paper making through the address of multiple BD modules of S7-300 . The main parameters are: pulping, long fiber refining, mixed fiber refining, staple fiber ease, with pulp, water treatment, multi-plate motor control, BF paper machine operation. There are many main parameters of the control, such as pulping system high concentration Cleaner settings: full of time setting, decontamination time setting, cleaning time setting, the discharge time setting. There are various system motor operation control. With the PLC to achieve motor manual and automatic operation. There are operating frequency settings, transformer current SP settings and display.
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