2000年1月27日—2月1日,正值世界经济论坛成立三十周年之际,在瑞士名城达沃斯举行了第三十届年会。会议主题为“新的开端 创造不同”,重点探讨新经济对21世纪的影响。全球1000家顶尖企业的领导和各国政要出席了会议。年会涉及范围广,有300多场讨论会,覆盖自由贸易、金融风险、电子商务、科技进步、各国政策等经济生活的方方面面,新的观点和观念层出不穷。会议给人们最大的启示就是,在21世纪日新月异的世界中,企业唯有不断创新才能有生存的希望。 年会上,世界经济论坛主席、创始人克劳斯·史瓦布先生热情、富有哲理的开幕词,引起了与会代表的热烈反响。本刊有幸得到这篇精彩的开幕词,现将其原稿及译文刊登出来,以飨读者。
From January 27 to February 1, 2000, at the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the World Economic Forum, the thirtieth annual conference was held in Davos, Switzerland. The theme of the conference is “Creating New Differences at a New Beginning,” focusing on the impact of the new economy on the 21st century. The leaders of the world’s top 1000 companies and politicians from all over the world attended the conference. The annual meeting covers a wide range of topics and concepts, with more than 300 seminars covering all aspects of economic life such as free trade, financial risks, e-commerce, technological progress and national policies. The biggest inspiration for the conference is that in the ever-changing world of the 21st century, companies can only survive if they are constantly innovating. At the annual meeting, the enthusiastic and philosophical opening speech of Klaus Schwab, chairman and founder of the World Economic Forum, aroused warm repercussions from the delegates. This magazine has the honor to get this wonderful opening speech, now its original and translation published in order to readers.