Photosensitizer Screeningfrom Chinese Medicinal Herbs and Photodynamic Anticancer Studies

来源 :Chinese Journal of Integrated Traditional and Western Medici | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:outerwy
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Objective: To find new photosensitizers from Chinese medicinal herbs for cancer photodynamic therapy. Methods: The extracts of thirteen herbs were examined: (1) Their fluorescence excitation wave lengths and emission wave lengths; (2) Their fluorescence intensity in living cells and (3) Their distribution and localization in the living cells and the fixed cells both stained in each extract, and responses of cell fluorescence intensity to pH value change. Furthermore, the herb’s anticancer photosensitive efficiencies were studied by using BGC823 human stomach cancer cells. Results: Cortex Phellodendri and Rhizoma Coptidis, were found with optimal fluorescence properties as photosensitizers in this test. The latter could remarkably reduce the cell metabolic viability, proliferative ability and increase the cell mortality when the cells exposed to both drugs and luminance but not to drug only. Conclusions: The potential of Chinese medicine as a new kind of photosensitizer and its possibility for using in anticancer photodynamic therapy are existed. Objective: To find new photosensitizers from Chinese medicinal herbs for cancer photodynamic therapy. Methods: The extracts of thirteen herbs were examined: (1) Their fluorescence intensity wave lengths and emission wave lengths; (2) Their fluorescence intensity in living cells and (3) ) Their distribution and localization in the living cells and the fixed cells both stained in each extract, and responses of cell fluorescence intensity to pH value change.,the herb’s anticancer photosensitive efficiencies were studied by using BGC823 human stomach cancer cells. Results: Cortex Phellodendri and Rhizoma Coptidis, were found with optimal fluorescence properties as photosensitizers in this test. The latter could remarkably reduce the cell metabolic viability, proliferative ability and increase the cell mortality when the cells exposed to both drugs and luminance but not drug only. : The potential of Chinese medicine as a new kind of photosensitizer and its possibil Ity for using in anticancer photodynamic therapy are existed.
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