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初中数学教学改革与创新,要从现实的问题着手,抓好重点,找准突破口,为此,必须确定教学研究维度,深入进行理性分析,同时,在若干问题上进行持久的教学实践来验证,通过行动研究,在反思中探索,在反思中确立方向,使新时期初中数学教学改革与创新向纵深发展。1重塑一个中心——以学生发展为本的理念 以“学生发展为本”是数学素质教育的一个中心命题,是一种理念、“为本”的引深分析,即是对教育主体的真诚和尊重。按照现代认知心理学的观点,数学学习过程就是学生数学认知结构的变化过 To reform and innovate in junior high school mathematics teaching, it is necessary to proceed from practical problems, grasp key points, and identify breakthroughs. To this end, we must determine the dimensions of teaching research and conduct in-depth rational analysis. At the same time, we must carry out long-lasting teaching practice on a number of issues to verify. Through action research, exploring in reflection, and establishing direction in reflection, the reform and innovation of mathematics teaching in the junior high school in the new era will develop in depth. 1 Reshaping a center - based on the student development-oriented concept “Student development-oriented” is a central proposition for mathematics quality education. It is a deep analysis of concept and “based”, that is, the main body of education. Sincere and respectful. According to modern cognitive psychology, the process of mathematics learning is a change in the cognitive structure of students’ mathematics.
引理[1]  设整数X≥ 2的标准分解式为X =x1t1·…·xntn,则对k∈N :(1 )Xk 互异因数恰有 (kt1+ 1 )·…·(ktn+ 1 )个 ;(2 )其中 ,满足X′|Xk,且 (X′,XkX′) =1的为 2 n个 ,且X′ =Xk1,XkX′=Xk2 (X1X2 =X ,(X1,X2
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