陈伟明 在商业与电影之间游走

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陈伟明是较早涉足电影产业的民营企业代表之一,中国的文化产业尚未威熟,因此,深入其间,可以淘金,也容易触礁。这些,陈伟明都经历了。在顶层的会议室里,陈伟明背对着玻璃窗正拨弄着手机,越过他,可以直观外面的风景,视野很开阔。小小的手机对于中博传媒有限公司董事长陈伟明而言,不只是一般的通讯工具,而是新媒体电影的载体,蕴藏着无穷的商机。陈伟明说做电影是他的兴趣,更是他的梦想,能将赚钱和兴趣结合在一起,他很满足。 Chen Wei-ming was one of the representatives of private-owned enterprises involved in the movie industry earlier. China’s cultural industry has yet to gain prestige. Therefore, in the meantime, it can tap gold and easily touch the reef. These, Chen Weiming have gone through. In the conference room on the top floor, Chan Wai-ming was holding his cell phone back to the glass window and crossed his eyes to see the scenery outside. For small mobile phone chairman Chen Weiming, chairman of the media, not only the general communication tools, but the carrier of new media movies, contains endless business opportunities. Chen Weiming said that doing movies is his interest, but also his dream, money and interest can be combined, he was satisfied.
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