The Influence of English Culture on the Effect of English Translation

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  Abstract:With the acceleration of globalization,English has become the main language of global communication. English translation has gradually paid attention from enterprises. translators strengthen the understanding of English culture and can better conduct English translation,so as to improve their translation ability and working ability. This paper mainly analyzes the influence of English culture on the English translation effect,and puts forward relevant strategies to improve the English translation effect.
  Differences between Chinese and western cultures lead to differences in people's language,thinking and habits,which leads to unreasonable translation in the process of translation,which affects the communication and communication between the Chinese and the West. Therefore,English translators can increase their understanding of English culture,and can more accurately convey ideas and ideas between the two sides,to ensure harmonious and happy communication between the two sides.
  1 The Influence of English Culture on the English Translation Effect
  1.1 Social and Historical and Cultural Effect of English Translation
  Due to the different historical development of the world,the social cultures are also different. People living in specific history,culture and social culture also have different thoughts,language expression,habits and religious beliefs,leading to the understanding obstacles of the East and the West in the process of communication. China is a country with a long history and rich culture,people are greatly influenced by Confucianism in the process of national and cultural development,Chinese people are used to implicit and euphemistic language expression,and western people are influenced by national culture,more accustomed to frank and straight forward expression.English likes to put the adjectives written and modified earlier,such as:Trantranslation into Chinese became a man in a big hat[1]. If the English translator does not understand enough of the English culture,it cannot convey it according to the meaning of the Chinese and English expressions,which will affect the effect of the communication between the two sides.Therefore,English translators should increase their understanding of the Eastern and Western society and historical culture,make their translation more in line with the practical expression,and promote better communication between the two sides.
  1.2 Human and natural environment affect English translation   Environment can be divided into two parts of cultural environment and natural environment,the east and western people survival and development of different environment,will lead to differences in customs,national culture,life appearance,the difference will lead to the east and the west people with national characteristics or national characteristics of language thinking and expression of understanding differences between the two sides.For example,China is a multi-ethnic country,and Chinese is the language for communication and communication in our country,but due to the different environment and culture,there are different ways of communication between different nationalities.
  1.3 Customs and living habits affect the effect of English translation
  Different countries and nationalities have different customs and living habits,leading to differences in people's daily communication methods. The same vocabulary may have very different meanings in different scenes. The customs and living habits of western countries lead to a large regionality in the daily greetings and communication of western people,leading to differences in understanding with Chinese culture,and increasing the difficulty of English translation. For example,in our country,topics such as age,hobbies,study,and work are often asked by people in their daily communication.In Western countries,these topics involve personal privacy.Therefore,when translating the languages of both parties,English translators should perform language translation conversions based on the different customs and living habits of the two parties,and reasonably perform translations based on the habits of the two parties in different countries,so as to avoid the phenomenon of understanding deviations and affect the overall Communication effect.
  2 Measures to use English culture to improve the effect of English translation
  2.1 Deepen the effect of translation based on the value of English cultural expression
  Understanding and mastering English culture is the basis for English translators to translate. Due to certain developments and changes in English culture,English translators can express their value based on English culture,deepen their understanding and perception of English culture,and accurately master English vocabulary And the deep meaning of the phrase,improve the accuracy of translation.When translating,English translators must continue to understand and study the culture of Western countries,deepen their translation skills,and improve their translation capabilities[2].   2.2 Pay attention to cultural differences to optimize the effect of using vocabulary Cultural differences lead to differences in ways of thinking and expressions,and these differences increase the translation difficulties of English translators. English translators can conduct in-depth study of vocabulary according to cultural differences and organize the meanings of the same words in different sentences or scenes,so as to improve their translation skills. Firstly,English translators should understand and learn about the social culture,history and culture,humanistic environment,geographical environment,customs and habits,religious beliefs,etc. of western countries,grasp the situation of different expressions due to various factors,and when translating,they can convert different translation ideas according to the differences of countries to improve the effect of translation;secondly,English translators should improve their vocabulary,grasp the same Secondly,English translators should improve their vocabulary and master the different meanings of the same words,and can select the most suitable translation according to different scenes to increase the accuracy of translation[3].
  2.3 Focus on cultural concepts to change translation methods
  Due to the differences in society,economy,politics,culture and customs in western countries,there are certain differences in the expression and application of vocabulary. English translators should transform different cultural translation concepts according to the different countries they come into contact with,so as to improve the depth and breadth of translation. This requires English translators to understand the cultural concepts of various Western countries,grasp the differences in expressions of different countries,and select different translation methods when contacting different countries,pay attention to the accumulation of expression habits of other countries in the process of daily study and work,and regularly compare the expressions of different countries to find out the differences and rules,so as to avoid mistakes in the process of translation. The process of translation can avoid mistakes.
  2.4 Improvement of English translators' own level and ability
  The English translators' own level and ability directly affect the effect of English translation. Therefore,English translators should pay attention to the improvement of their own English level and application ability,so as to improve the quality of their own translation.English translators can go abroad for further study and experience different cultures in different western countries,so as to learn how English-speaking countries use words,phrases and behaviors to communicate in the process of experience and speed up their understanding of western culture,so that their English application ability can be improved.
  3 Conclusion
  To sum up,English culture has a great influence on the effect of English translation,and English translators are not only a bridge to help Chinese and Western cultural exchange,but also a carrier to help Chinese and Western political and economic exchanges. Therefore,English translators should strengthen their study of English culture,improve their English and translation skills,and do a good job of English translation,so as to lay the foundation for better communication and cooperation between the East and the West.
【摘 要】职业教育就是为社会各行业培育不同的应用型人材,因此职业教育应以学生为本,以需求为定位,尽可能地符合社会的职业需要。数学是中等职业教育之中一门极为基础的科目,要求每个学生能够形成自己的经验体系。中职生数学知识的学习直接关乎他们对专业知识的吸取和累积,也是他们不断提高学习技巧的条件。  【关键词】项目教学法;中职数学教学;应用  在教学过程中,要注重培养学生的实践能力,在教育过程之中,要着重
【摘 要】本文分析了思维导图在英语教学应用过程中存在的问题,并基于笔者的实际教学经验,探讨了高中英语教学中思维导图的运用策略,希望以此推动当前高中英语教学的高效化,实现对学生知识与思维能力的同步提升。  【关键词】思维导图;高中英语;教学策略  在新课改的背景下,当前高中英语教师的教育理念应当向包容化、科学化转变。在教学中应该坚持以素质教育为指导,摒弃陈旧的教学理念,以资源整合为基础,以教学方法的
【摘 要】伴随着教育部门对教研模式的重视和教研水平逐渐的提升,在高中学科中占据核心位置的便是高中数学教研。要怎么调整以数学核心素养为根本的高中数学教研是当前每位数学老师都应该仔细琢磨的事情,更是老师承担教书育人责任的必要之举。在平常的数学教研过程中,老师须积极开导并激励学生学习数学的热情,培育学生独立思考、独立解决难题的习性,从而让学生全方位地进步和发展。正文对如何在高中数学讲堂中提升学生的数学核
【摘 要】为了推动学生的全面发展,教育部提出了核心素养这一概念,明确了学生应具备的适应终身发展和社会发展需要的必备品格和关键能力。在此背景之下,初中语文在教学过程中不仅要关注学生的学习成绩,还要注重对学生知识技能以及重要品格的培养。这对语文教师提出了更高的要求。本文基于核心素养的背景,对优化初中语文课堂教学提出了几点建议。  【关键词】核心素养;初中语文;课堂教学  核心素养是我国教育方针的具体化
【摘 要】互联网提供了一个开放、快捷、交互的平台,使得网民可以自由发表个人意见、表达个人观点、参与对公共事件的讨论。尤其对感兴趣的热点事件或涉及自身利益的社会公共事件,会积极地参与讨论和质疑,这往往会形成对热点事件的态度的一致性和普遍性。对于这些热点问题需要及早发现并掌握其发展动态,及时收集数据、整理信息、分析后续发展并形成相关舆情报告,为政府和相应职能部门提供决策的客观依据。论文在对文本语义模式
【摘 要】为激发初中生的学习兴趣与动机;辅助生物教学,降低生物教学难度;培养学生的团结协作能力;帮助教师合理利用教学资源。笔者对本地区曾使用过和正在使用的初中生物教材中插图的数量和种类进行比较分析,找出初中生物教材插图数量的变化情况,并分析其原因,引起广大师生的重视。  【关键词】人教版;教材插图;对比分析  初中生物教学的特点之一是教学用具的直观、教学语言的直观和教学场景的直观。初中生物教材要求
【摘 要】近年来,虽然国家开始大力发展职业教育,并提倡中高职贯通培养模式,但施行效果不尽如人意。中职、高职之间的贯通培养与课程衔接仍存在着很大的问题。本文作者将从以人为本,夯实基础;构建长效纵深机制;和具体实践方法三个方面探讨中高职(3+2)贯通培养的专业设置与课程衔接的研究。  【关键词】职业教育;贯通培养;课程衔接;以人为本;长效机制  正文:  随着社会的快速发展,我国的经济迅速发展,城市化
【摘 要】众所周知,数学是一门基础性的学科,也是一门与日常生活联系十分紧密的学科,因此在新课程改革背景之下,教师需要在日常的初中数学教学过程中联系生活实际,为学生提供生活化教学。此外由于初中数学知识点较为枯燥,如果学生无法对其产生兴趣,那么教学效率与教学质量将难以得到保障。而在以往传统的课堂教学过程中,教师并没有注重生活化教学以及培养学生的学习兴趣,导致学生处于被动学习状态,以至于不能将全部精力投
【摘 要】情境教学法对于初中语文教学有着非常重要的促进作用。在课堂教学的过程中,教师首先可以根据各个段落的内容进行情境设置,让学生对文本形成深刻的印象,提高对文本信息的总结归纳能力;其次,可以引导学生结合日常生活进行情境设置,对文本中的思想情感进行深刻的感悟,有效塑造学生的道德品质;同时还可以根据学生的疑难问题进行前进的设置,引导学生展开生动的探究活动,提高学生解决问题的能力。本文就只要从这些方面
【摘 要】在初中语文教学中实施中华优秀传统文化,对学生的素质发展和传统文化的传承具有十分重要的意义。而且,随着我国经济的发展,国家也越来越重视精神文明建设,特别是在新课程改革的背景下,对学生素质和价值观的培养提出了更高的要求。由此可见,要培养学生的价值观和文学素养,就需要将中华优秀传统文化融入初中语文教学,从而提高学生的语文学习能力,促进学生人生观和价值观的培养,进而提升学生的人文素养。作为教师要