1993年10月28日,历史掀开了上海国防后备力量建设崭新的一页。沐浴改革开放的和熙春风,浦江新旅竞展风采,一年一个大跨越。 然而,在改革开放和发展社会主义市场经济的新形势下,寓兵于民的预备役部队不可避免地会遇到一些新情况、新问题:建立现代企业制度试点工作的展开,一些预编单位纷纷实行政企分开,定人定位定岗,使预备役部队教育训练抽人难的矛盾更加突出;人才交流市场、劳务市场的建立,乡村预备役人员大量流向城镇,一些企业的预备役人员也开始流动,使基层兵员管理的难度加大;市场竞争机制的日趋完善,企业合并、倒闭现象增多,使基层组织机制的稳定受到冲击……
On October 28, 1993, history opened a brand new page in the construction of Shanghai’s national defense reserve. Bathing reform and opening up and Hee Breeze, Pujiang Brigade competitive style, a big leap year. However, under the new situation of reform and opening up and the development of a socialist market economy, the reserve forces that have sold their troops to the country will inevitably encounter some new situations and problems. The new issue is the launching of a pilot project on establishing a modern enterprise system, The separation of government from enterprise and the establishment of fixed posts have made the contradiction between the difficulty of training and reserving the education and training of the reserve forces even more prominent. The establishment of labor exchange market and labor market has caused a large number of rural reserve personnel to flow to cities and towns. Some reservists of reservoirs have also begun to flow, Increasing the difficulty in the management of fighters; the increasingly perfect market competition mechanism, the increase in business mergers and failures and the stabilization of the organizational structure at the grassroots level have been undermined ......