
来源 :山西林业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nalbuphine
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一、害虫的预测预报主要是根据害虫的生物学与生态学特性,通过调查分析的方法,从害虫数量变化与影响害虫生存的主要环境因子的相关性中,找出害虫发生发展规律,推测害虫大发生的可能性。预测预报工作是贯彻“预防为主,综合防治”方针的重要环节,是避免防治工作中的盲目性和浪费现象的必要手段,对控制虫灾和减少林木损失,具有重要意义。做好这项工作,必须依靠党的领导,发动群众,建立测报网,责成专人,坚持常年测报。对严重林木害虫(如松毛虫)要建立虫情档案。当虫情急剧变化时,应会同调查,及时发出预报,进行联防联治。测报工作包括以下几方面内容: First, pest forecasting is mainly based on the biological and ecological characteristics of pests, through the investigation and analysis methods, from the pest number changes and the impact of the main environmental factors related to the survival of pests to identify the occurrence and development of pests, presumably pests Great possibility of happening. Forecasting and forecasting work is an important part of the guideline of “prevention first, comprehensive prevention and control”. It is an essential means to avoid blindness and waste in prevention and control work. It is of great significance to control pest and reduce losses to trees. To do this well, we must rely on the leadership of the party, mobilize the masses, set up a network for measuring and reporting and instruct people to adhere to the perennial newspaper. Serious tree pests (such as pine caterpillars) to establish worm files. When the insect situation changes drastically, it should be accompanied by an investigation, timely forecasting and joint prevention and control. Reportage includes the following aspects:
目前,温室白粉虱(Trialeurodes vap—orariorum Westwood)是大庆市温室蔬菜生产上的一大害虫。七六年从外地传入我市,七九年以来,年年大发生,主要为害黄瓜、蕃茄、茄子、豆
“也不害羞!都是六年级的女生了,举止还这么野蛮。”布丽姆老师将我推进办公室。  没有人关心我的感受!我强压着心中怒火。约翰和那些家伙一直给我取绰号羞辱我,叫我“竹竿子”、“电线朴”、“长丝瓜”。每当我决定反击他们时,这个满脸凶相的布丽姆老师就出现了。  我承认自己长得很丑,才小学六年级就有1.78米高了,很瘦,再加上矫正牙齿的支架、矫正脚形的鞋子和矫正视力的眼镜,更是让我的形象有所损坏。我尽量垂着
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