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环境史学在西方兴起于 2 0世纪晚期 ,在中国也许起步更早些 ,但其受到国内史学从业者兴趣日增的关注 ,则是近年来的事 :一方面是缘于西方环境史学发展的促动 ,一方面是因人与自然之间的关系日趋紧张等现实因素的推动。但环境史究竟是历史学的一门分支学科 ,还是一种新的考察人类社会发展历程的视角或方法 ,或者一种新的史学范式和新的通史观念 ,国内外环境史研究者均未形成共识。这组“笔谈”的发表 ,无疑将有助于人们深化对这一新的历史研究领域的认识。“笔谈”的作者包括老中青三代史学从业者 ,虽来自不同的史学领域 ,但都较早涉足环境史研究 :或早在 1973年就开始涉足沙漠研究 ,并多次深入我国北方沙漠地区进行实地考察 ,提出了著名的“沙漠化二重性”论断 ;或长期致力于美国环境史著作的译介 ;或率先在国内高校历史系开设《环境史研究导论》课程 ,培养环境史研究新人 ;或较早运用自然与社会互动关系理论 ,系统地对自然灾害与民国乡村社会变迁问题进行全方位的研究 ,从而拓宽了乡村社会史畛域。因此 ,这组“笔谈”在一定程度上反映了目前国内环境史研究者对于环境史的思想认识及其所达到的水平。“笔谈”的组织 ,得到了北京师范大学历史系梅雪芹副教授的热情支持和全力协助 ,本刊谨此致谢。 Environmental historiography, which emerged in the West in the late 20th century, may have started earlier in China, but its growing interest in domestic historians has been in recent years: on the one hand due to the impetus of the development of Western environmental historiography On the one hand, it is driven by the realistic factors such as the increasingly tight relations between man and nature. However, whether environmental history is a branch of history or a new perspective or method of examining the development of human society, or a new historical paradigm and a new concept of general history, neither domestic nor foreign environmental history researchers have formed consensus. The publication of this set of “written comments” will undoubtedly help people to deepen their understanding of this new field of historical research. The writers of “Bi-Tan” include the historians of the Three Generations of Aged, Middle and Young, although they came from different fields of history. However, they both involved in the study of environmental history earlier: as early as 1973, they started to engage in desert research and went deep into the desert areas of northern China for many times On the spot, he put forward the famous theory of “duality of desertification” or long-term commitment to the translation of the works of American environmental history; or take the lead in the history department of domestic universities to set up “introduction to environmental history” curriculum to cultivate new environmental history; or earlier Using the theory of the interaction between nature and society, we systematically studied all aspects of natural disasters and rural social changes in the Republic of China, thus broadening the social history of rural areas. Therefore, this set of “writing reviews” reflects to a certain extent the current understanding of the history of environmental history by researchers in domestic environmental history and the level they have achieved. The organization of “Writing Notes” was enthusiastically supported and fully assisted by Associate Professor Mei Xueqin, Department of History, Beijing Normal University.
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