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CFO历练当记者来到香港维智达科技有限公司深圳办事处时,简培威还在从珠海的工厂赶过来的路上。一个多小时后,当简总拖着行李出现在办公室时,记者发现,他充满活力的神情和敏捷的动作中透露着干练与效率,也让人感受到了这繁忙中的快乐与满足。 CFO Experience When reporters came to Hong Kong Wisdom Zhida Technology Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Office, Jane Peavey is still rushing from the factory in Zhuhai on the way. More than an hour later, when briefing dragged his luggage at the office, the reporter found that his energetic expression and agile actions revealed the skill and efficiency, but also make people feel the joy and satisfaction of this busy.
A man named Smith was sitting on his roof during a flood, and the water was up to his feet. Before long a fellow in a canoe passed and shouted, “Can I give yo
Once upon a time,there lived a farmer.One day the farmer returnedhome from the fields.“I’ve come back for lunch!”he shouted to his wifeloudly.“Where is our
请看习题: 1)——is known to everybody,the moon travels round the earth once every.month.(NMET2001) 2)——is known to everybody that the moon travels round the
Snatch at today and trust aslittle as you can in tomorrow.不要放过今天,尽量少相信明天.A little learning is a dangerousthing.浅薄的学识是一件危险的事情。 Don’
In Milan(米兰),Italy,there are more than 1800 policemen and many of them can speak English,French or Spanish. In Milan (Italy), Italy, there are more than 1800
World famous diving medalist and“diving queen”Fu Mingxia is tomarry Antony Leung,Hong Kong Financial Secretary,after she graduatesfrom Qinghua University nex
A man was telling his co-worker(同事)one day that the company wastranaferring him to Chicago.He explained that he was going to quit(辞职)before he had to move
1.home phones 家庭电话2.office phones 办公室电话3.public phones 公用电话4.video phones 电视电话5.cordless phones 无绳电话 1.home phones home phones 2.office p
人的生存离不开家。家是社会的基本单位。家虽小却关系到国家的发展、社会的和谐。古人的“齐家,治国,平天下”就已把治家与治国并论。 Human survival can not be separate