Complete Human Immunodeficiency Virus-1 Specific T Lymphocyte Response to Chinese Human Immunodefici

来源 :Biomedical and Environmental Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:langfenggw
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Objective To characterize the human immunodeficiency virus(HIV) -specific T lymphocyte responses and identify the immunodominant regions in Chinese HIV-1 recombinant subtype B/C chronic infectors at complete genome level.Methods Twenty-five HIV-1 B/C recombinant chronic infectors were screened for their specific T lymphocyte responses to a panel of peptides corresponding to the complete HIV-1 subtype B genome by gamma interferon ELISPOT assay.Kruskal-Wallis nonparametric analysis of variance was used to test significant differences across gene regions,and Tukey pairwise analysis was used to identify differences between gene regions.Spearman rank correlation was used to assess the relation between responses.Results The order of recognized frequencies of specific T lymphocyte responses to HIV proteins was Nef>Vpr>Gag>Pol>Vpu>Env>Rev>Vif>Tat.When adjusted for protein length,Nef,Vpr,Gag,and Pol were the most intensely targeted proteins and the central region of Nef,Gag p24,Pol RT,and Vpr was most frequently recognized.No significant correlation was observed between the magnitude of IFN-γ production of HIV-1-specific T lymphocyte responses and plasma viremia,breadth of response and CD4 counts.Conclusion The central region of Nef,Gag p24,Pol RT,and Vpr is most frequently targeted in HIV-1 B/C recombinants chronic infectors.HIV-1-specific T lymphocyte responses and plasma viremia or CD4 counts play no protective role at complete genome level in these infectors. Objective To characterize the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) -specific T lymphocyte responses and identify the immunodominant regions in Chinese HIV-1 recombinant subtype B / C chronic infectors at complete genome level. Methods Twenty-five HIV-1 B / C recombinant chronic infectors were screened for their specific T lymphocyte responses to a panel of peptides corresponding to the complete HIV-1 subtype B genome by gamma interferon ELISPOT assay. Kruskal-Wallis nonparametric analysis of variance was used to test significant differences across gene regions, and Tukey pairwise analysis was used to identify differences between genes regions. Spearman the order of recognized frequencies of specific T lymphocyte responses to HIV proteins was Nef> Vpr> Gag> Pol> Vpu> Env> Rev> Vif> Tat. Adjusted for protein length, Nef, Vpr, Gag, and Pol were the most intensely targeted proteins and the central region of Nef, Gag p24, Pol RT, and Vpr w as most frequently recognized. No significant correlation was observed between the magnitude of IFN-γ production of HIV-1-specific T lymphocyte responses and plasma viremia, breadth of response and CD4 counts. Confluence The central region of Nef, Gag p24, Pol RT , and Vpr is the most frequently targeted HIV-1 B / C recombinants chronic infectors. HIV-1-specific T lymphocyte responses and plasma viremia or CD4 counts play no protective role at complete genome level in these infectors.
问:最近,孩子越来越没分寸,和我说话几次都没大没小的,弄得我下不来台。请问,孩子为啥会这样?我应该怎么教导他懂礼貌?  刘丽  答:孩子没大没小是有原因的。  原因一:跟爸妈意见不同  孩子有了自我意识之后,就有了自己的立场,并喜欢表现给别人看。当他跟爸妈意见不同时,就会和爸妈争论,还会以命令的口气让爸妈接受自己的想法。比如,孩子边吃饭边玩玩具,爸爸把他的玩具收走了,要他好好吃饭。可孩子会觉得:“