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2009年中日药师国际论坛在中国北京顺利举行,会议全程为4天,包括2整天会议及半天医院参访,共设3个分会场,与会者人数达到1300人,会议规模、学术内涵、组织质量均得到与会者的一致好评。为广大药师提供并展示了药师工作成果的国际展示平台、药师实践技能的国际学习交流平台、药师工作新思维、新方法的国际发布共享平台。此次由中日医学科技交流协会、日本病院药剂师协会、中国药学会共同发起,由《药品评价》杂志社、北京中青年药师沙龙、ABD品牌推广机构承办的2010日中药师国际论坛将于2010年11月11-15日在日本千叶县幕张国际会议中心举行。本次论坛主题为药学实践、教育、科研的标准和评估。 The 2009 International Forum of Pharmacists in China and Japan was successfully held in Beijing, China. The whole conference was 4 days in length and included 2 full-day meetings and half-day hospital visits. There were 3 sub-venues with 1,300 attendees, including the conference scale, academic content, Organizational quality have been well received by participants. For the majority of pharmacists to provide and demonstrate the work of the pharmacists international exhibition platform, pharmacists practical skills of international exchange learning platform, pharmacists new thinking, new methods of international publishing and sharing platform. The International Forum of Chinese Medicine Practitioners 2010, sponsored by Pharmaceutical Evaluation magazine, Beijing middle-aged pharmacist Salon and ABD brand promotion agency, was jointly sponsored by the Japan-Japan Medical Science and Technology Exchange Association, the Japan Institute of Pharmacists and the Chinese Pharmaceutical Association November 11-15, 2010 at the Chiba Prefecture Makuhari Congress Center. The forum topics for the practice of pharmacy, education, research standards and evaluation.
2008年初,曾有市场机构发表报告对1956年~2006年共12届夏季奥运会主办国有关经济情况进行分析后发现:举办当年主办国GDP一般会增长(除1992年的西班牙、2000 At the beginning
[Objective] The paper was to explore the field efficacy of 22% fipronil FS against sugarcane stem borer and thrips( Baliothrips serratus Kobus).[Method]The fiel
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