A novel photochromic fulgide based on porphyrin for nondestructive information processing

来源 :Chinese Chemical Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gwo
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A fulgide connected to porphyrin(FUL-TPP) can transform its open isomer to closed isomer upon the irradiation with UV or visible light. Herein, they can be used to write binary data. Furthermore, the open form can emit luminescence but the closed cannot form while irradiated in another light that will not cause the optical chemical reaction. Therefore, the data can be read out without destruction. A fulgide connected to porphyrin (FUL-TPP) can transform its open isomer to closed isomer upon the irradiation with UV or visible light. Herein, they can be used to write binary data. Furthermore, the open form can emit luminescence but the closed can not form while irradiated in another light that will not cause the optical chemical reaction. Thus, the data can be read out without destruction.
Using two series of de novo designed antimicrobial peptides,we studied the effects of peptide length and hydrophobicity/charge(H/C) ratio on the antimicrobial a
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