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  The People Who Make Last Wishes Come True
  I’ve learned that people who are going to die have little wishes,” says Kees Veldboer, the ambulance driver who founded the Stichting Ambulance Wens, or Ambulance Wish Foundation.

  In November 2006 he was moving a terminally ill patient, Mario Stefanutto, from one hospital to another. But just after they put him on the 1)stretcher, they were told there would be a delay—the receiving hospital wasn’t ready. Stefanutto had no desire to get back in the bed where he had spent the past three months, so Veldboer asked if there was anywhere he would like to go.
  The retired seaman asked if they could take him to the Vlaardingen 2)canal, so he could be by the water and say a final goodbye to 3)Rotterdam harbour. It was a sunny day, and they stayed on the 4)dockside for nearly an hour. “Tears of joy ran over his face,” says Veldboer. “When I asked him: ‘Would you like to have the opportunity to sail again?’ he said it would be impossible because he lay on a stretcher.”

  Veldboer was determined to make this man’s last wish come true. He asked his boss if he could borrow an ambulance on his day off, recruited the help of a colleague and contacted a firm that does boat tours around Rotterdam harbour—they were all happy to help, and the following Friday, to Stefanutto’s astonishment, the ambulance driver turned up at his hospital bedside to take him sailing.

  That was the 5)genesis of the Ambulance Wish Foundation. Veldboer and his wife Ineke, a nurse, started it at their kitchen table eight years ago. Now it has 230 volunteers, six ambulances and a holiday home, and is fast approaching 7,000 fulfilled wishes. On average, the charity helps four people a day—they can be any age and the only 6)stipulation is that patients are terminally ill and can’t be transported other than on a stretcher.
  Although other charities offer terminally ill patients a day out, the Ambulance Wish Foundation was the first to provide an ambulance and full medical back-up. There is always a fully-trained nurse on board, and the specialist drivers tend to come from the police and fire brigades. The specially-designed ambulances have a view, and every patient receives a teddy bear called Mario, named after Stefanutto.

  “It gives us volunteers so much satisfaction to see people enjoying themselves,” says Roel Foppen, a former soldier who acts as a driver. Over the past six years he has helped to fulfil 300 wishes.
  Once he went as far as Romania, a 4,500km roundtrip. It was for a woman called Nadja, who had lived in the Netherlands for 12 years. Her children, aged three and seven, were already back in Romania with her family, and she wanted to go there to die.
  “She was so ill we couldn’t even touch her,” says Foppen. They left on a Thursday morning, but as they were driving through Germany Nadja’s condition 7)deteriorated, so they stopped at a hospital. Doctors recommended Nadja stay there, but she wanted to see her children—and her wish was what counted. After a three-hour delay they carried on, through Austria, then Hungary—when they reached the Romanian border, Nadja said, “Take the stretcher out, now I can die!”

  Foppen said, “It’s just another 600km to your mother and your children—could you 8)hang on just a little longer?” On the Saturday the ambulance arrived in 9)Bucharest for an emotional reunion. Then the crew drove back, leaving Nadja behind. Her family sent a card to say she died two weeks later.
  “If people know we’re coming, they find new reserves of energy,” says Foppen. “Often the family tell us they were about to cancel because the patient was so ill, but when we arrive they are 10)beaming, ready for their day out.”

  Knot, who works as a 11)district nurse. She first came across the charity when she was invited along by a cancer patient she had grown close to. The experience made Knot so enthusiastic she wrote to Veldboer to offer her services.
  “Every time is special. You discuss it with your colleagues on the way home and it’s always special, no matter how small,” says Knot. “I had one lady who just wanted a glass of advocaat (a thick egg liqueur) at home. So her son bought a bottle, we went to her house, she spooned up the advocaat and we went back. That was her wish.”
  “People ask, ‘Isn’t it draining? Isn’t it emotional, always dealing with last wishes?’ Yes it is, but often people are ready to die because they are so far down the line, and then it’s nice to give them something they really want,” she says.
  Frans Lepelaar is a former policeman who now drives for the charity. After 20 years behind a desk, investigating 12)fraud, he wanted to get back to helping people face-toface.

  “It can be a long day—you could be back in the middle of the night. We always ask, ‘Do you want anything more?’ They’re always grateful. That’s what you do it for,” he says.
  In 2014, Lepelaar and his colleague Olaf Exoo took Mario, a 54-year-old man with learning difficulties, to say a final goodbye to his colleagues at Rotterdam Zoo, where he had worked for 25 years. At the end of his shift as a maintenance man he used to always visit the animals, and they took him on his rounds one last time.
  When they reached the giraffe 13)enclosure they were invited in, and it was then that one of the more curious giraffes came over and gave Mario a lick on the face. He was too ill to speak, but his face lit up, says Exoo, whose photograph of the “giraffe’s kiss” made headlines.

  “It’s intense, but that’s why it’s interesting,” says Mirjam Lok, a 25-year-old nurse. “You don’t know who you’ll meet when you walk through the door, and at the end of the day you have fulfilled their last wish, you close the door and you think—that was good.”
  Following the huge success of his venture, Veldboer has helped to set up similar ambulance services abroad, first in Israel—after taking a Jewish woman to Jerusalem, where she wanted to die—then in Belgium, Germany and Sweden.
  A practical, no-nonsense man, he admits that setting up the foundation has given him confidence. “I used to think I didn’t amount to much, but then I discovered my ideas aren’t that bad after all. I’ve learned that if you follow your heart and do things your own way, people will support you.”
  “I’m just a very ordinary Dutch guy who does what he likes best, and my hobby is helping others.”

  这就是“救护车许愿基金会”成立的起源。八年前,韦德波尔和他那位当护士的妻子伊奈可在厨房的餐桌上谈起要建立这个基金会。如今,该基金会已经拥有230名志愿者,六台救护车以及一间假日别墅。此外,该基金会已经帮助病患实现将近7000个愿望。“救护车许愿基金会”一天平均帮助四个人实现愿望——受助者的年龄不限,唯一的条件是他们必须是绝症病人,且只能通过担架才可行动。   虽然许多慈善机构都会给绝症病人提供一天的外出时间,但是“救护车许愿基金会”却是第一个给病人提供救护车以及全面的医疗支持的慈善机构。病人身边总有一位训练有素的护士在一旁陪同,司机大多是专业的警察和消防队员。专门设计的救护车可以让病人看到车外的景象,每个病人都会收到一只叫马里奥的泰迪熊,是以斯特法努托的名字命名的。
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