
来源 :中国港口 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tobay1
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一、“十一五”发展思路河北省沿海港口建设要在巩固全国煤炭运输主通道的基础上,通过重点建设大型深水矿石、原油、煤炭接卸码头,使我省大型深水专业化泊位在全国占据首位,力争建成华北地区最大的矿石、原油接卸中转中心和输煤大通道;通过开通欧亚大陆桥及建设深水集装箱码头,使集装箱运输有较大发展;通过加强港口技术改造,全面发展和提升码头功能,提高港口的整体服务功能,更好地发挥港口对区域经济的带动作用。最终建成以秦皇岛港为主枢纽港,加快曹妃甸港区矿石、原油接卸和煤炭输出的码头建设,以京唐港、黄骅港为区域性重要港口,形成布局合理、功能齐全、优势互补的港群体系,充分满足区域经济和社会发展对河北省港口的需求。 First, the “Eleventh Five-Year” Development Thinking Hebei coastal port construction in the consolidation of the national coal transport main channel, based on the construction of large-scale deep-water ore, crude oil, coal handling dock, so that our province large deep-water specialized berth Occupy the first place in the country and strive to build the largest ore in North China, the crude oil handling center and coal handling large channel; through the opening of the Eurasian Continental Bridge and the construction of deep-water container terminals, container transport have greater development; by strengthening port technology, We will fully develop and upgrade the terminal functions, improve the overall service functions of ports and give full play to the role of ports in promoting regional economy. Finally, the construction of a port with Qinhuangdao port as the main hub and speeding up the construction of terminals in the Caofeidian Port will allow the port of Jingtang Port and Huanghua Port to be the major ports in the region, forming a rational layout with complete functions and complementary advantages. Group system to fully meet the needs of the port of Hebei Province for regional economic and social development.
本文介绍了一种新型锯齿形多槽式表面节流气体润滑轴承,着重对该轴承的加工工艺进行了探讨。 This paper introduces a new serrated multi-groove surface throttle gas lub
The extracellular matrix is a diverse composition of glycoproteins and proteoglycans found in all cellular systems.The extracellular matrix,abundant in the mamm
用拼装法绘制装配图时,存在被零件遮挡的隐蔽线,文中提出了消去这些隐蔽线的算法以及实现消隐的有关技术.此消隐技术在实际生产中得到了应用. When the assembly drawing is ass