5月27日 国务院部署下一阶段抗震救灾任务

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5月27日下午,温家宝主持召开总指挥部第14次会议,传达贯彻中共中央政治局会议精神,总结前一阶段抗震救灾工作,研究部署下一阶段任务。会议提出下一阶段要重点抓好以下八项工作:(一)抓紧救治伤病人员。(二)着力安排好受灾群众生活。(三)全面加强卫生防疫工作。(四)妥善做好遇难者善后处理工作。(五)严防次生灾害。(六)组织恢复生产。(七)保持灾区社会稳定。(八)做好灾后重建前期工作。 On the afternoon of May 27, Wen Jiabao chaired the 14th meeting of the General Command to convey and implement the spirit of the CPC Central Committee Political Bureau’s meeting, summarize the earthquake relief work in the previous phase and study and deploy the next phase of the task. The meeting proposed the next phase should focus on the following eight tasks: (a) pay close attention to the treatment of wounded and sick. (B) focus on arrangements for the lives of the affected people. (C) to comprehensively strengthen the work of health and epidemic prevention. (D) Properly handle the aftermath of the victims. (E) prevent secondary disasters. (F) organize the resumption of production. (VII) Maintaining social stability in disaster areas. (Viii) do a good job preparatory work after the disaster reconstruction.
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