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我国是世界上的人口大国,人力资源也是我国经济发展的重要资源,但现阶段我国人口发展过程中表现出较为明显的问题,这些问题主要指的是人口老龄化问以及劳动力人口减少问题,导致这种问题的原因是实行了二十多年的计划生育政策,计划生育政策的长期实施在很大程度上导致男女性别比例的失衡以及人们生育水平下降等问题出现。针对这种问题,中共中央全面深化改革中指出要实施单独二胎政策。文章在分析单独二胎政策实施原因的基础上,分析单独二胎政策对经济发展的影响,并为如何实施单独二胎政策进行策略分析。 As China is a populous country in the world, human resources are also an important resource for our country’s economic development. However, at this stage, the population development in our country shows obvious problems. These problems mainly refer to the problem of population aging and the reduction of the labor force population, resulting in This problem is due to the implementation of the family planning policy for more than 20 years. The long-term implementation of the family planning policy has led to a large degree of imbalance in the sex ratio of men and women and the decline of the level of people’s birth. In response to this problem, the CPC Central Committee pointed out in its comprehensive and deepening reform that it should implement a separate second child policy. Based on the analysis of the reasons for the implementation of the second child policy, the article analyzes the impact of the second child policy on economic development and makes policy analysis on how to implement the second child policy.
The cultivation of translation competence is essential in the whole language-learning process for English majors.This paper has summed up some common translatio