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目的探索以企业为基础的高血压防控策略,为促进慢病防控关口前移提供信息。方法对参加了2012年公司体检的某企业员工进行问卷调查,收集了5 743名员工的体检及生活方式资料,用Framingham心脏队列研究建立的模型评估非高血压员工未来发病风险。结果企业员工高血压患病率为28.9%(1 659/5 743),以后勤类员工最高,为36.7%(155/422),营销类员工最低,为25.1%(356/1 421)(χ~2=32.396,P<0.001)。确诊为高血压的员工中,仅40.2%(272/677)定期复查血压,血压控制率为42.5%(308/724)。体检发现高血压23.5%(1 351/5 743),其中69.2%(935/1 351)没有被确诊。管理类、技术类、营销类和后勤类的高血压员工4年发病风险分别为5.43%、4.61%、3.90%和5.43%(H=34.991,P<0.001)。不同岗位类型员工吸烟率、超重肥胖率、饮食偏咸率、规律运动率差异均有统计学意义(均有P<0.05)。结论管理类和后勤类员工是高血压防控的重点人群。应针对不同岗位员工特点,充分利用组织网络和同伴支持开展生活方式干预。对已患高血压员工,还需要加强其定期复查意识,提高血压控制率。 Objective To explore the strategy of enterprise-based hypertension prevention and control, and to provide information for promoting the advancement of chronic disease prevention and control. Methods A questionnaire survey was conducted among employees who participated in the Company’s medical examination in 2012. Physical examination and lifestyle data of 5 743 employees were collected. The Framingham Heart Cohort study was used to assess the future risk of non-hypertensive employees. Results The prevalence of hypertension was 28.9% (1 659/5 743) in enterprise employees, 36.7% (155/422) in logistics employees and 25.1% (356/1 421) in marketing employees (χ ~ 2 = 32.396, P <0.001). Of the employees diagnosed with hypertension, only 40.2% (272/677) regularly reviewed blood pressure with a blood pressure control rate of 42.5% (308/724). Hypertension was found in 23.5% (1 351/5 743) of the physical examinations, of which 69.2% (935/1 351) were not diagnosed. The 4-year risk of hypertension in management, technology, marketing and logistics was 5.43%, 4.61%, 3.90% and 5.43%, respectively (H = 34.991, P <0.001). Smoking rates, overweight and obesity rates, salty dietary rates and regular exercise rates in different job types were all significantly different (all P <0.05). Conclusion Management and logistics staff are the key people in prevention and control of hypertension. Should be based on the characteristics of employees in different positions, make full use of organizational networks and peer support for lifestyle intervention. Hypertension has been suffering from staff, but also need to strengthen their awareness of regular review, improve blood pressure control.
非结核分支杆菌系结核分支杆菌和麻风分支杆菌以外的分支杆菌(non-tuberculous mycobacteria,NTM).
我院于 2 0 0 1年 3月 11日~ 4月 16日 ,应用自体外周血干细胞移植 (APBSCT)成功治疗 1例难治性红系统性斑狼疮(RSLE)患者 ,报告如下。1 病例报告患者 ,女 ,30岁。 5年前因间断发热入院