EBNA3C combines with Gemin3 and up-regulates its expression

来源 :中国现代医学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ansonliu
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Objective To investigate the combination of Epstein-Barr virus nuclear protein 3C (EBNA3C) with Gemin3 and its effect on Gemin3 expression. Methods Co-immunoprecipitation, GST pull-down and immunofluorescent assay were used to determine the combination of EBNA3C and Gemin3 and their combining domain. Stable EBNA3C knockdown cell lines were made by lentivirus-delivered small hairpin RNA and then puromycin selection. Western blot was used to check the effect of EBNA3C on Gemin3 expression. Results EBNA3C and Gemin3 combined with each other in vivo and in vitro through their C-terminals. EBNA3C up-regulated Gemin3 gene expression. Conclusion EBNA3C forms complex with Gemin3 and up-regulates its expression. Objective To investigate the combination of Epstein-Barr virus nuclear protein 3C (EBNA3C) with Gemin3 and its effect on Gemin3 expression. Methods Co-immunoprecipitation, GST pull-down and immunofluorescent assay were used to determine the combination of EBNA3C and Gemin3 and their combining domain. Stable EBNA3C knockdown cell lines were made by lentivirus-delivered small hairpin RNA and then puromycin selection. Western blot was used to check the effect of EBNA3C on Gemin3 expression. Results EBNA3C and Gemin3 combined with each other in vivo and in vitro through their EBNA3C up-regulated Gemin3 gene expression. Conclusion EBNA3C forms complex with Gemin3 and up-regulates its expression.
霸下:平生好负重,力大无穷。传曾驮三山五岳,游于江湖之上,后为禹所擒,收至麾下,推山挖沟,疏遍河道。 这支驮着石碑的神鲁在中国古代文化中是忠实,稳重的象征,经常看见它在
1954年深秋的一个上午,毛泽东主席在朱德、刘少奇、周恩来、彭德怀等中央首长的陪同下,到一个小礼堂审定军衔办公室特别订做的一批样品军服。 毛泽东等中央领导同志一到,时