缤纷社团 多彩生活——南京财经学校社团活动掠影

来源 :江苏教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aihaiyuguijing
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南京财经学校江宁校区目前共计约1180名学生,采用寄宿制封闭管理模式。为了丰富住校学生的业余生活,展示学生特长,培养实践能力,提升综合素质,新校区启用之始,学校高度重视学生社团的建设和发展,将之作为德育工作的重点。由于充分考虑了学生的年龄层次、兴趣爱好和专业特点,学生社团活动呈现报名踊跃、活动积极、参与热情的良好局面。仅一年半时间,社团总数已由当初建立时的8个发展为近40个,涵盖人文、体育、舞蹈、美术、音乐等多个专业项目,并涌现出一批精品社团,其中合唱社、跆拳道和街舞 Nanjing Finance and Economics School Jiangning Campus currently a total of about 1180 students, the use of boarding closed management. In order to enrich the leisure life of students living in school, show students’ specialty, train their practical ability and enhance the overall quality, the school started with the opening of the new campus. The school attaches great importance to the construction and development of student associations as the focus of moral education. Due to the full consideration of the students’ age level, hobbies and professional characteristics, student club activities are well-registered, active and participate in the enthusiasm of the good situation. In only one and a half years, the total number of associations has grown from 8 at the time of its establishment to nearly 40, covering many professional projects such as humanities, sports, dance, fine arts and music. A number of quality clubs have emerged, of which chorus clubs, Taekwondo and hip-hop
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