
来源 :水资源保护 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xxp520
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水资源是一种有限的经济资源,具有稀缺性。在我国,水资源短缺是许多地区在校长发展时期内必须面对的问题,因此,制定科学合理的水资源开发利用规划,对水资源实施最有效的配置,使有限的水资源尽可能多地满足社会经济发展的需要就显得非常重要。然而,传统的只强调供给的水资源规划思想与水资源的有限性、稀缺性已不相适应。本文探讨了一种基于市场经济运行机制、并认为水是一种有价值的有限资源的新的水资源综合规划设想,其基本思路是:除供给方资源外,把需求方通过需求管理技术减少消耗和降低水资源需求也视为可分配的资源同时参与水资源规划,使节水和开源融为一体,力求达到水资源合理配置和有效利用的目的.战略要旨是:通过实施和加强需求管理,提高水资源利用效率,实现节水型经济。 Water resources are a limited economic resource with scarcity. In our country, the shortage of water resources is a problem that many areas must face in the development of principals. Therefore, it is necessary to formulate a scientific and rational water resources development and utilization plan, implement the most effective allocation of water resources and make the limited water resources as much as possible To meet the needs of social and economic development is very important. However, the traditional planning idea of ​​water resources, which emphasizes supply only, is not compatible with the limited and scarcity of water resources. This paper explores a new water resources planning idea based on the market economic mechanism and considers water as a valuable and limited resource. The basic idea is to reduce the demand side through demand management techniques in addition to the supply side resources Consumption and reduction of water resources demand are also considered as allocable resources and participate in water resources planning at the same time, so that water conservation and open source integration, and strive to achieve the rational allocation of water resources and the effective use of purpose. The strategic thrust is: to achieve a water-saving economy through the implementation and strengthening of demand management, improve water use efficiency.
This paper analy ses one unit of the NSET from one of the five dimensions proposed by Gao Lingbiao (GaoLingbiao,2002,27)--the dimension of psychological and cog
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纽约股市崩盘 1929年1O月24日,随着纽约股票市场的大小投资者疯狂抛售各类股票,股市崩盘了!二十世纪最严重的经济危机爆发了。危机迅速殃及全球各个角落,银行和工厂破产、贫