At Bell, the history of semiconductor device reliability development is a history of the sequential application of the following principles. The first principle is the use of technology to improve reliability. This principle is used in the absence of well-informed design and test controls. The second is the application of the principle of experimental control, which is the principle behind the gradual deepening of awareness of technological defects and the understanding that it is easy to experiment with these defects. The third is the application of design control principles, which are based on proven processes and basically automatically eliminate the drawbacks introduced by the operation. For decades, these principles have generally been applied in the design and reliability technologies of semiconductor manufacturing. Fifties can be seen as a new device design and research stage, this period has not made the real rigorous requirements for reliability. In fact, the history of this period shows that semiconductor devices can prove better than the proper experimental conditions. Although one of Bell Labs’ efforts to promote reliability during this period is the application of sampling methods, this method guarantees the statistical reliability of the components purchased by the user. The first thing in the sixties was the proliferation of devices that could withstand high stress tests. The second is the application of high stress aging and life tests to control the quality. This high stress test is strictly related to the reliability expected under low stress conditions. The driving forces behind the development of high-stress tests are twofold: first, devices that require low failure rates; second, recognizing that failure rates of about 0.001% of devices as low as 1,000 hours can not depend on the conditions of use Stress to confirm. The new technology of the seventies is a beam lead seal junction device manufacturing process. This shows that design methodology can be used to eliminate the main failure mechanisms of the devices of the 1960s. Although this does not require a moisture seal, it creates the additional problem of demonstrating the ability of the device and its plastic coated layers to withstand high humidity testing. We find that this argument is based on the relationship between humidity, temperature conditions and device lifetime established by physical methods. The successful conclusion of the relationship between valid device test requirements and system life metrics is due to the company’s internal organizational relationships. Because of this organizational relationship, device designers are both user-responsible (users refer to system designers, that is, system designers and device designers have common reliability metrics) and are responsible for the device manufacturing department. For the device manufacturing department, device designers should have the most economical and overall responsibility for such issues as process and process control, as well as the final test requirements to meet system specifications.