
来源 :国外导弹与航天运载器 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wsb398322830
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本文对原来为计算外挂物与飞机分离而编写的程序进行了一些修改,使这些程序专门用来计算子导弹与母导弹的分离过程。母导弹的干扰流场根据代表母导弹体积和攻角效应的源/汇和偶极子分布来计算。在子导弹处在母导弹产生的干扰流场内的情况下,用细长体理论计算。子导弹的气动力和气动力矩。一般情况下,子导弹都是从具有敞开的子导弹舱的母导弹上分离出来的。这样就产生一个实际应用的问题:如何才能用代表机身体积效应的源和汇来模拟敞开腔的流动特性?显然,在目前这种技术水平较低的情况下,决不可能确定空腔流的详情细节。但已经发现,如果用一条与空腔内部流交界的平均自由流线的形状来代替空腔,则分析结果与实验结果就能十分符合。使用了两组实验数据来建立前腔和中腔的流线形状,中腔的流线形状也适用于后腔。然后用这些流线形状为别的子导弹和别的试验条件计算气功力数据。总的说来,使用这个程序在定性上和定量上都能取得分析结果和实验数据的一致。 In this paper, some changes have been made to the programs originally written to separate plug-ins and aircraft so that they are used exclusively to calculate the separation of sub-missiles and missiles. The missile’s interference flow field is calculated based on the source / sink and dipole distributions that represent the size and angle of attack of the primary missile. In the case of submunitions in the interference flow field produced by the missile, slender body theory is used. Aerodynamic and aerodynamic moments of submunitions. Under normal circumstances, sub-missiles are separated from the missile with an open sub-missile module. This creates a practical problem: how can we simulate the flow behavior of an open cavity with sources and sinks that represent the volumetric effects of the fuselage? Obviously, in the current low-skill scenario, it is never possible to determine the cavity flow Details of the details. However, it has been found that if the cavity is replaced by the shape of the average free-stream line bordering the interior of the cavity, the analytical and experimental results are in good agreement. Two sets of experimental data were used to establish the streamline shape of the anterior chamber and the mid-chamber, and the shape of the midline flowline also applied to the posterior chamber. Then use these streamlined shapes for other sub-missiles and other experimental conditions to calculate the QW data. In general, the use of this procedure provides qualitative and quantitative agreement between the analytical and experimental data.
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