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历史研究按照杜威哲学的说法,是对未来起效用的,(他)是把历史当作改变人生的手段来用的。人类历史的特色就是因为它是有意识生物的历史,而有意识的生物是能够觉察到自己牵涉在历史过程中的。杜威说,把“历史是过去发生的事;它又是过去发生的事在后来的一个时期的理智的改造”这双重意义看作一个意义,并认为史学家有本领使过去的连绩事件“象实际发生似地”“复原”,未免太天真了。同时杜威也着重否定并驳斥由此而推出的结论,即历史写作只是带有个人色彩的“知识”,文学纯粹是主观的,相对的。杜威企图大致在主张完全的历史客观性与承认完全的历史主观性之间,为历史判断找到—个地位,把它作为一个试验性的、假设性的改造片时秩序的例子。杜威认为,历史的重建,是从问题开始的。问题一经提出,史学家便开始收集资料,而且必须接受一套假设,即一个系统的概念结构的指导。杜威提示说,在历史写作上存在着三种选择活动:第一是已往人们所作的选择;第二是公众记忆,即传统所作的选择;最后是史学家及其时代所作的选择。杜威的方法论的一个要素,就是认识到:题材经过精细的考查就改变了。 Historical research, according to Dewey’s philosophy, works for the future, using history as a means to change one’s life. Human history is characterized because it is the history of the conscious creatures that are aware of their involvement in the historical process. Dewey said that the double meaning of “history is the thing that happened in the past; it is the transformation of the mind in a time of the past in a later period of time” is regarded as a meaning and that historians have the ability to make past contingency events “ As the actual occurrence of ”recovery“, too naive. At the same time, Dewey also emphasizes negation and refute the conclusion that historical writing is just a ”knowledge" with individual colors. Literature is purely subjective and relative. Dewey attempted to find a place for historical judgment, generally speaking between asserting complete historical objectivity and acknowledging complete historical subjectivity, as an experimental and hypothetical example of the transformation of the film. Dewey believes that the reconstruction of history started from the question. Once the question has been raised, historians begin to collect information, and must accept a set of assumptions, a system of conceptual structure. Dewey suggests that there are three kinds of choice activities in historical writing: the first is the choice made by people in the past; the second is the public memory, the choice made by the tradition; and finally the choice made by historians and their own times. An element of Dewey’s methodology is to recognize that the subject matter has been changed after careful examination.
张元,甘肃省作家协会会员,出生于1994年7月,现就读于洛阳师范学院文学院。写作多年。见于《诗刊》《当代》《扬子江》《诗选刊》《时代文学》《中国诗歌》等各大杂志,出版个人作品三部,多次入选各大出版社重要文学选本。获“中华校园诗歌奖”“中国青年诗人奖”“中国高校文学奖二等奖”等。  黄昏来临的时候,就有海水  被月光锈蚀  让波涛慢慢地靠近宿命  留下一半沉默的影子  与世俗保持越来越近的距离  又
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