高考作文是对考生综合素质的考查,它要求参与者把平时的“厚积”“薄发”出来,这是个艰苦的旅途,其目的地是思想的彼岸。生活是向导,语言是载体,而深厚的文化积淀则是完成这个旅行所必备的干粮与水份。笔者认为,要走好这段旅途,至少要从以下几方面努力。 1、锤炼语言,讲究文采,使文章具有较高的格调孔子说过:“言之不文,行而不远”。语言不美,再好的思想也会黯然失色,文章也会因此而缺乏生命力。作为高
The composition of the college entrance examination is the examination of the overall quality of the candidates. It requires the participants to put out the usual “thick product” and “thin hair”. This is a difficult journey, and its destination is the other side of the mind. Life is the guide, language is the carrier, and a profound cultural heritage is the dry food and water necessary to complete this trip. The author believes that to make this journey a good one, at least we must work hard from the following aspects. 1, temper the language, pay attention to literary talent, so that the article has a higher style Confucius said: “The words are not written, the line is not far ”. If the language is not beautiful, even the best ideas will be overshadowed, and the articles will lack vitality. As high