争创名牌优势 发挥名牌效应

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常柴集团有限公司是目前国内外单缸柴油机产量最大的企业,主要经济指标连续多年在同行业中处于领先地位。“常柴”牌商标是经国家工商行政管理局认定的生产资料类产品中第一块中国弛名商标。近两年来,公司通过股份制改制和股票上市,积极转换企业经营机制,大力发展优势产品,壮大规模经济,实施名牌战略,促进了经济增长方式的转变和经济效益的持续增长。1995年共生产柴油机122万台,实现销售收入21.6亿元,实现利润 2.2亿元,自营出口创汇2180万美元,分别比上年增长74%、97%、386%和 45%。 常柴近几年的高速高效发展,是顺应两个转变,以市场为导向争创名牌优势、以发展规模经济为目标发挥名牌效应所作的成功探索。 1.强化市场观念,树立名牌意识。为什么昔日“皇帝女儿不愁嫁”的金牌产品,在市场经济中照样会大量积压?常柴首先从用户意见出发、从市场调查入手找根源。厂长带着技术、质管和生产车间的负责人来到农机公司进行现场比较,看看常柴金牌产品的“含金量”到底有多少,与同行厂家的产品有哪些差距,与用户要求的距离有多大。通过比较逐渐认识到,“名牌”的内涵要比金牌丰富得多,它不仅要以可靠的质量为基础,而且还强调技术性能、市场占有率、知名度、全方位服务等,两者的根本区别正在于市场。“金? Changchai Group Co., Ltd. is currently the largest single-cylinder diesel engine manufacturer in China and abroad. Its main economic indicators have been in the leading position in the same industry for many years. The “Changchai” brand trademark is the first China Reliable Brand in the production information products certified by the State Administration for Industry and Commerce. In the past two years, through the joint-stock system reform and stock listing, the company has actively transformed its operating mechanism, vigorously developed its superior products, expanded its large-scale economy, and implemented its brand strategy, which has promoted the transformation of economic growth patterns and continued economic growth. In 1995, a total of 1.22 million diesel engines were produced, achieving a sales income of 2.16 billion yuan, a profit of 220 million yuan, and self-exports of 21.8 million US dollars, an increase of 74%, 97%, 386%, and 45% respectively over the previous year. The rapid and efficient development of Changchai in recent years is a successful exploration of adapting to the two transitions, striving to create brand-name advantages based on the market, and exerting the brand-name effect with the goal of developing economies of scale. 1. Strengthen the market concept and establish brand awareness. Why did the old gold products of the “Emperor’s daughter not marry” continue to have a huge backlog in the market economy? Changchai first started with user opinions and started with market research to find root causes. The head of the factory took the person in charge of the technology, quality control, and production workshops to the farm machinery company to conduct on-site comparisons to see how much gold content of Changchai’s products was in the end, what were the differences with the products of peer manufacturers, and the distance from the user’s requirements. How big is it? Through comparison, we gradually realized that the connotation of “name brand” is much richer than that of gold medals. It should not only be based on reliable quality, but also emphasize technical performance, market share, visibility, and full-service, and the fundamental difference between the two. Is in the market. "gold?
希腊神话中的女神之间的姐妹关系具有其一定的三元式的深层结构。这种神话中三元结构包含了古希腊人对于女性社会地位与角色的最初思考,是社会生活的反映。 The sisterhood
在和学生们闲话写作时,他们谈到两点一线的学习生活实在让人无话可说,无事可写。其实,对于用心生活的人来说,身边处处都有可以激发情感、触动情思的东西,因为他们懂得感受生活并善于发现生活中的美。那么,对于学生而言,要想拥有丰富的写作素材,就要学会感受和体味(这里的“体味”就是思索、感悟)生活。  感受和体味都是人对于客观事物的综合反映的心理特征,它们都有着浓厚的主观感情色彩,而且互有交叉、相辅相成,但两