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随着出版业从纸质出版向数字出版的转型,出版环境正趋向数字化、网络化。教材出版也不例外,很多教材出版社都在尝试对教材资源进行数字出版的探索与实践。随着出版界对数字出版认识的不断清晰,业内普遍认同的一点是,纸质印刷教材和数字教材仅仅是出版介质的差异,出版内容本身并没有发生变化。这就意味着在数字出版环境下,编辑工作仍然是出版的核心工作。但是编辑也必须在新的出版形势下转变观念,积极探索,重新定位和适应自身角色,并在这一角色的探索过程中运用新的编辑方式、方法去推动出版业的转型发展。 With the transformation of publishing industry from paper publishing to digital publishing, the publishing environment is becoming digital and networked. Textbook publishing is no exception, many textbook publishers are trying to textbook resources for digital exploration and practice. As the publishing industry has become more and more aware of digital publishing, it is generally accepted in the industry that printed materials and digital textbooks are only differences in the medium of publication, and that the content of the publication itself has not changed. This means that in the digital publishing environment, editorial work remains the core of publishing. However, editors must also change their mindset in the new publishing situation, actively explore, reposition and adapt their own roles and use new editing methods and methods to promote the transformation and development of the publishing industry in the exploration of this role.
Mother: I sent my little boy for two pounds of oranges and you gave him a pound and a half.rnShopkeeper: My scales are all right, Mad-am. Have you weighed your
1    木葵从红喜的洗头店里晃出来,提着心,接连跑过两个三岔口,才将脚步放稳当。犹豫着转过身,后头一片乱,却是一群人正看着自己的热闹。原来木葵的白衬衣上贴着几个红唇印,着了火一般。木葵的老婆草草也夹在人堆里,拍着手,笑得嘴巴碗样大。木葵愣地记起草草的药还没买,摸索了半日口袋,连个角子也没摸到,心里头便怪了洗头妹手下得太狠。到底是做婊子的人,眼里只认得到钱。忽然就觉得有些没意思,恨自己图了一时的快
Kid: Papa, are you growing taller all the time?rnFather: No, my child. Why do you ask?