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指示各中等学校校长抗美援朝的政治思想教育,自全省各校统一开展以来,已获得初步成绩,许多学校已掀起抗美援朝的爱国热潮,并造成轰轰烈烈的参加军事干部学校学习运动,许多学校教职员生也在思想上初步认识了美帝国主义的本质,检查与暴露了个人过去的错误认识,进行了广泛的宣传工作,有的学校并已开始进到一个新的更深入的阶段,这是很好的现象。但目前还有一部份人思想上并未真正解决问题,有的教职员学生思想还没真正动起来,在学校领导上,对教职员学生提出的一些根本性问题,也还缺乏深刻明确的解决,在整个抗美援朝工作中,还有些满足于表面的轰轰烈烈,只当作临时的突击任务,未能很好的与各科教学活动与经常的政治思想教育结合起来的现象,个别学校则运用挑战竞赛的方法,来动员学生参加军事干部学校,不是完全从启发自愿自觉的原则出发,因此,在目前我们必须很好的总结前一阶段的工作,并在现有工作基础上,进一步深入系统的开展反对美帝国主义的爱国主义与国际主义思想教育,为此,特决定各校必须根据二巷二期人民教育社论「继续开展与 Many schools have set off a patriotic upsurge in the War to Resist the United States and aid the DPRK and have caused vigorous participation in the movement of studying military cadres in schools. Many school staff and students It is very good that the essence of the US imperialism has been initially recognized in ideology, the misunderstanding of individual past has been examined and revealed, and extensive publicity work has been carried out. Some schools have begun to move into a new and more in-depth stage. phenomenon. However, there are still some people who do not really solve the problem in their thinking. Some teachers and students have not really started to think about it. There is still a lack of a clear and definite solution to the fundamental problems put forward by the staff of the school on the leadership of the school. In the entire anti-US aid efforts, some are content with the vigorousness on the surface only as a temporary surprise task, failing to combine well with various teaching activities and regular political and ideological education, and individual schools use the method of challenging competitions , To mobilize students to participate in military cadre schools is not entirely inspired by the principle of voluntariness and self-determination. Therefore, at present, we must concisely summarize the work in the previous phase and, on the basis of the existing work, further conduct systematic and systematic opposition to the United States Imperialist patriotism and internationalist ideological education. To this end, we have decided that all schools must follow the editorials of People’s Education in Phase II and II
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专注20多年软装饰配套供应链的奥雅集团,在2001年就开始思考行业的未来方向,董事长马辉把眼光锁定在物联网上。他认为,智能家居物联网产业是软装饰行业的未来,也是物联网取代互联网落地的唯一途径。  15年前的铺垫  20多年前,马辉从潮汕来到深圳,并创建了以软装饰配套为主营业务的奥雅商行。经过二十多年的发展,奥雅在软装饰配套供应方面已经做得足够全了—现已形成了以室内软装饰配套材料的开发、设计、生产、
新型PRP-4/PRP-4M装甲侦察车装有独联体国家制造的观测侦察设备。与独联体已装备的PRP-3、BRM-1K和1V14/1V15相比,PRP-4/PRP-4M装甲侦察车乘员在全 The new PRP-4 / PRP-4M
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