早在5月1日,德国老牌劲旅法兰克福队就队已经度过了它的百岁生日。只可惜当时夕阳残照,一片萧瑟晚景,“老字号”的法兰克福在德甲狼狈不堪,落得个为保级而战的悲惨境地。所幸中国小将杨晨赶去祝寿,以优导的表现和8粒精彩的人球拯救了球队,为法兰克福的百年华诞送上了一份厚礼。 法兰克福地处德国黑森州,是德国的金融中心和交通枢纽城市。而法兰克福队则是德国甲级队中的元老之一,曾在1959年夺得德国联赛冠军,次年又打入了欧洲冠军杯决赛。1963年德甲问世的时候,法兰克福就取得了联赛的季军,强者面貌展现无疑。此后直至1982年的19年间,法队几乎没有跌出过前10名。尤其是堪称黄金时期的70年代后期,法队在韩国人车范根的帮助下,将欧洲联盟杯揽人怀中。但从1983年开始法兰克福队开始滑坡,总在德甲10名以后游荡,徘徊在降级边缘,揭开了以中
As early as May 1, the German veteran Frankfort team has passed its 100th birthday. Unfortunately, the setting sun was shining, a bleak evening scene, “old” Frankfurt in the Bundesliga find any, miserable situation for the relegation battle. Fortunately, Yang Chen, a teenager rushed to China to birthday, excellent guide performance and eight wonderful ball to save the team for the centenary of Frankfurt sent a gift. Frankfurt is located in Hesse, Germany, is Germany’s financial center and transportation hub city. The Frankfurt team is one of Germany’s first-team veterans, won the German League in 1959 champion, the following year into the European Cup final. 1963 Bundesliga came out, Frankfurt won the league third runner-up, the strong appearance no doubt. From then until 1919 in 1982, the French team almost never fell out of the top 10. In particular, the golden age of the late 70s, the French team with the help of Korean car Fangen, the European Union Cup embrace arms. However, since 1983, Frankfurt began landslides, wandering the total after the Bundesliga 10, hovering on the edge of relegation, opened with a