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这天夜里,我在台灯下看书,看着看着,不知不觉就趴在桌子上睡着了……咦,那不是可爱的“七仔”吗?它向我招招手:“你愿意去参观一下未来的地板吗?”我点点头,好奇地跟着它走进一间漂亮的屋子。脱了鞋,我光着脚踩在地板上,突然,奇怪的事情发生了!刚才还是灰色的地板,这时已经变成了橙色。“七仔”看我发愣的样子,笑着说:“你现在的 This night, I read a book under the lamp, looked at it, and fell asleep on the table unconsciously ... 咦, it was not cute ”Seven Aberdeen“? It waved to me: Would you like to visit the futuristic floor? ”I nodded, curiously following it into a beautiful room. Off the shoes, I barefoot on the floor, and suddenly, a strange thing happened! Just gray floor, then has become orange. “Seven Aberdeen ” Look at me look daze, said with a smile: "You are now
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