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目前,上海外贸出口货物多以FOB条款成交,订舱租船权为国外买方所有。其结果造成国内出口商失去了安排出口货物运输的权利,将外贸出口运输市场拱手让给外方,使国轮货载比例下降、运费收入流失等,同时也在很大程度上影响了出口货物运输进场交易的可能性,制约了我国航运市场的培育和发展。 国家如果不采取措施扭转目前外贸出口货物FOB上升态势,没有相应的保护政策来扶持本国船队,那么国有大中型航运骨干企业一旦被外国船公司挤跨,不但我国外贸运输将受制于外国船公司,影响外贸发展,而且也不利于保证我国在战时军事补给的需要。 因此,对上海外贸出口货物FOB条款情况、国外航运保护与扶持政策等进行调查分析,探索可行的政策措施,便成为一个极其重要的课题。 一、外贸出口货物FOB情况调查 1.调查单位的选择 调查单位选择的基本原则: (1)列入1995年上海市外贸出口前50位的企业; (2)以出口散货的大型工贸企业为主; (3)因钢材是上海市最大的散货出口品种,所以重点调查钢铁企业。 根据以上3个基本原则,我们确定了15家调查单位作为抽样调查样本,其中大型工贸自营出口企业11家,专业外贸公司4家。工贸企业中大型钢铁企业5家,大型石化与化工 At present, most of the goods exported by Shanghai are traded on FOB terms, and the chartering rights of booking are owned by foreign buyers. As a result, the domestic exporters have lost the right to arrange for the export of goods for export, handing over the foreign trade export and transportation markets to the foreign countries, reducing the proportion of the goods carried by the China-Hong Kong stock and the loss of freight revenue, etc., and also greatly affected the export goods The possibility of entering into the trading market restricts the cultivation and development of China's shipping market. If the state does not take measures to reverse the upward trend of the FOB of the current foreign trade export goods and there is no corresponding protection policy to support its own fleet, once the large and medium-sized shipping backbone enterprises are squeezed across by foreign shipping companies, not only will our foreign trade and transport be subject to foreign shipping companies , Affecting the development of foreign trade, but also not conducive to ensuring the needs of our country's military supplies during wartime. Therefore, investigating and analyzing the FOB terms and conditions of foreign trade exports as well as the policies on the protection and support of foreign shipping to explore feasible policies and measures have become an extremely important issue. I. FOB Survey of Foreign Trade Export Goods 1. Investigation Unit Selection Basic Principles of Survey Unit Selection: (1) Enterprises listed in the top 50 foreign trade exporters in Shanghai in 1995; (2) Large-scale industrial and trading enterprises that export bulk goods Mainly; (3) Because steel is the largest bulk exporter in Shanghai, it focuses on iron and steel enterprises. Based on the above three basic principles, we have identified 15 survey units as sample samples, including 11 large-scale self-supporting export-oriented industries and 4 specialized foreign trade companies. Industry and trade enterprises in large iron and steel enterprises 5, large-scale petrochemical and chemical industry
一、中国港口、航运现状 中国是海运大国,也是港口大国。改革开放以来,我国航运发展很快,现有年吞吐量万吨以上的港口2000余个,其中对外开放港口达130多个,每年接纳世界100