激发写作热情 点燃创新火花

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创新,是现代教育的新使命。儿童的创造力是惊人的,也是极其纯真和美丽的。他们思维活跃,善于接受新的事物,热情大胆,敢作敢为。在语文教学中,只要激发学生的写作热情,他们的灵感被激发,内在潜力就会得到充分的发挥。因而,我们在语文课堂上,要激发学生的创造力,点燃他们瞬间爆发的创新火花。一、巧用课件展示,激发写作热情多媒体集形、声、光、色、动、静为一体,突破时空限制,可以大大调动学生的学习积极性,使学生积极主动愉快地 Innovation is the new mission of modern education. Children’s creativity is amazing and extremely pure and beautiful. They are active in thinking and good at accepting new things. They are passionate and brave. In Chinese teaching, as long as students’ enthusiasm for writing is stimulated, their inspiration is stimulated, and their inherent potential will be fully exerted. Therefore, in the Chinese class, we must stimulate students’ creativity and ignite the spark of sparks that they instantaneously burst out. First, clever use of courseware display, stimulate writing enthusiasm Multimedia set shape, sound, light, color, dynamic and static as a whole, breaking the time and space constraints, can greatly mobilize the enthusiasm of students to make students active and pleasant
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Undoped and Zn-doped Cu2O films were deposited onto glass substrates using successive ionic layer adsorption and reaction(SILAR) technique with different Zn dop
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