The composite catalyst SO24- / TiO2 / NCF was prepared by sol-gel method. Using sunlight and 250W self-ballasted fluorescent high-pressure mercury lamp as light source, the suspension system was used to study the effect of composite SO42- / TiO2 / NCF and pure TiO2, SO42- / TiO2 and TiO2 / NCF on methyl orange Aqueous solution of the photocatalytic decolorization effect of a preliminary study of the composite catalyst dosage, light source on the decolorization effect. Under the experimental conditions, the decolorization rate of 2g / L composite catalyst excited by sunlight was the highest, reaching 0.1112min, followed by the bleaching rate of 4g / L composite catalyst excited by 250W self-ballasted high pressure mercury lamp, reaching 0.04547min- 1.