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教师代表着社会和学校对学生行使着教书育人的职责。因此,教师既是教育者,同时又是管理者。在时代和教育发展的新形势下,在市场经济条件下的学校教育中,教师怎样行使教育与管理的双重责任,这是一个重大的问题。我在教育教学的过程中进行了教育与管理的种种实践,本文将分析教育与管理即“理教”与“管教”的有关问题。一“、管教”与“理教”的诠释管理由“管”和“理”这两个方面组成,它们是相互补充相互利用的关系。任何方面的管理都是如此。又因为这两个组成部分都有教育的成份,所以又应当称之为“理教”与“管教”。理教——理即真理。教包括有内容、形势、方法等各种教育行为。理是人类智慧的精华和总结,教是人类进步的过程、必须和阶梯。管教,源自于理,落实在管。具有真实性、权威性和强制性。管教分为各种类型和个总层次,一般包括有制度、措施、纪律、法律等。理教是为了使学生明理解惑,去伪求真,认清人生的正确方向,明白求学的真实目的,并为之奋斗不已。 Teachers represent the society and schools to exercise the responsibility of teaching and educating students. Therefore, teachers are both educators and managers. Under the new situation of the times and the development of education, it is a major issue how teachers should exercise the dual responsibility of education and management in school education under market economy. In the process of education and teaching, I have carried out various practices in education and management. This article will analyze the problems related to education and management, that is, “teaching” and “discipline.” The management of interpretation of “teaching” and “teaching” consists of two aspects: “management” and “management”, which are complementary and mutually beneficial relations. This is true of any aspect of management. And because these two components have an educational component, they should be called “teaching” and “discipline.” Teach - truth is truth. Teaching includes content, situations, methods and other educational activities. Reason is the essence and summary of human wisdom, teaching is the process of human progress, and must be ladder. Discipline, derived from reason, the implementation of the tube. With authenticity, authority and compulsion. Discipline is divided into various types and a total level, generally including the system, measures, discipline, law and so on. It is for the students to understand reasonably, to seek truth from facts, recognize the correct direction of life, understand the true purpose of studying, and work hard for it.
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下面这幅画是一座迷宫,你需要按箭头指示从入口走到出口。赶快来发挥你的聪明才智吧!小心,别走进死胡同。  这幅神秘的画实际上是阿兹特克人的宗教日历,它源于墨西哥中部。日历分为三部分,展现了阿兹特克一年里的13个月(每月20天),一个世纪中的52年,还有阿兹特克的宗教节日。下图就是第13个月的象征物,它受阿兹特克神话中最美的女神——堕落女神的庇佑。  阿兹特克波旁尼克手抄本,约1507年,背面有西班牙
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