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1992年,随着青岛市东部开发启动,青岛市委市政府、市南区委区政府等政治、行政机构陆续东迁至今天的香港路一带,全市新的商贸和金融及科技重心、休闲娱乐设施、文化与旅游新景观也由此聚集市区东部,逐渐形成繁华商圈,且其发展趋势为沿海岸线向陆地辐射。外贸出口额第一、辖区内税收总额第一、第三产业增加值第一、外贸出口占GDP比重第一……短短几年对现代服务业的励精图治,市南区在青岛市17项综合经济指标中夺得了10项第一。对此有媒体这样评论:这不仅彰显了市南在服务贸易、软件信息、滨海旅游、现代商业四大产业抉择上的过人睿智,更凸显了他们在打造半岛CBD路途中,在“多少”“软硬”“长短”“大小”这些截然相 In 1992, with the development of the eastern part of Qingdao launched, the political and administrative departments of Qingdao municipal government and Shinan District committee and government moved eastward and eastward to Hong Kong Road today. The city’s new business, financial and technological center of gravity, leisure and entertainment facilities As a result, the new cultural and tourism landscape gathered in the eastern part of the urban area and gradually formed a prosperous shopping district. Its development trend was radiation to the mainland along the coastline. First, the total tax revenue within the jurisdiction of the first, the tertiary industry, the added value of the first, the proportion of foreign trade exports accounted for the first ... ... a few short years of good governance for the modern service industry, Shinan District, Qingdao City, 17 integrated Economic indicators won 10 first. In response, the media commented that this not only demonstrates Shineng’s extraordinary wisdom in service trade, software information, tourism in the seaside, and the choices of the four major industries in modern commerce, but also highlights how much they are in the process of building the Peninsula CBD “” Hard and soft “” length “” size "These are the exact phases
AIM: To evaluate computed tomography (CT) findings, useful to suggest the presence of refractory celiac disease (RCD) and enteropathy associated T cell lymphoma
我们试用中药玄明粉治疗流行性红眼病,疗效尚满意,现报告如下。 1.临床资料:本文共239例,478只眼,其中男163例,女76例。最小年龄6岁,最大年龄82岁。且大多数为20~40岁青状年
登革病毒(Dengue virus,DENV)是一种严重威胁我国南方地区公众健康的虫媒病毒,无特异性的治疗方法和疫苗。单纯的登革病毒结构蛋白疫苗不能诱导针对四种血清型DENV的均衡、持
Objective: To study cell cycle retardation, apoptosis and the expression of antioncogene p57kip2 by radioactive rays in nasopharyngeal carcinoma cells. Methods:
无血清角膜保存液的研究始于1977年,是我所L-H液和国外M-K液两种角膜保存液的更新换代产品,对尸体原位角膜片的保存和临床应用最为合适。在1981年以前,曾在实 The study of