
来源 :卫生研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:computer2900
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收集了七省区94个县的社区卫生信息资料,取其中10个指标进行了分析。发现婴儿死亡率与县的社会、经济发展水平密切相关。农村县的婴儿死亡率除受到社区人均国民生产总值及人均收入的影响外,尚与反映当地卫生投入累积效应的指标千人床位数、每千人卫生技术人员数的关系十分密切。而与当年的卫生投入(人均卫生事业费)无显著相关。对不同人均国民产值组的分析发现,在人均国民产值小于500元的组,其婴儿死亡率远高于其余各组,而其余各组间无差异。在人均国民产值高于1 500元的县,其平均千人床位数,千人卫生技术人员数均显著高于其余各组。说明使用这两个指标比卫生事业费更能反映社区卫生投入的累积效应。 The community health information materials of 94 counties in seven provinces and autonomous regions were collected, and 10 of them were analyzed. Found that the infant mortality rate is closely related to the county’s social and economic development. In addition to being affected by the per capita GNP and per capita income of the community in rural areas, the infant mortality rate in rural areas is still very close to the index of 1,000 beds and the number of health and technical personnel per thousand who reflect the cumulative effect of local health investment. However, there was no significant correlation between health expenditure (health expenditure per capita) and current year. An analysis of the GNP of different per capita countries found that the infant mortality rate was much higher in the per capita GDP of less than 500 yuan compared to the remaining groups, with no difference among the remaining groups. In counties with GNP above 1,500 yuan per capita, the average number of beds per 1,000 people and the number of health technicians per 1,000 people were significantly higher than those of the remaining groups. This shows that the use of these two indicators can reflect the cumulative effect of community health investment more than the cost of health care.
  Vibrio alginolyticus can cause acute diarrhea and food poisoning like Vibrio parahemolyticus.In this study,three strains of V.alginolyticus (No.PCG01,02,03)
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草莓施用植物多功能增效剂808、起土产, 其根长、基茎宽、单株结果数、单果重等性状均有不同程度的提高, 增产率分别达12.03% ~12.81% 和11.12% ~11.53% , 经济效益显著,值得进一步推广使用。 Strawberry plan