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央行、银监会、证监会、保监会日前联合印发《关于支持钢铁煤炭行业化解过剩产能实现脱困发展的意见》,支持企业在资本市场融资和兼并重组。《意见》共十六条。“金融机构应坚持区别对待、有扶有控原则,满足钢铁、煤炭企业合理资金需求。”《意见》要求,严格控制对违规新增产能的信贷投入。对未取得合法手续的钢铁、煤炭新增产能项目,一律不得提供授信支持;对违规新增产能的企业停止贷款。对长期亏损、失去清偿能力和市场竞争力的企业及落后产能,坚决压缩退出相关 The Central Bank, China Banking Regulatory Commission, China Securities Regulatory Commission and China Insurance Regulatory Commission have jointly issued the Opinions on Supporting the Iron and Steel Industry to Overreach and Relieving the Excess Production Capacity, and supported enterprises in financing and mergers and acquisitions in the capital market. “Opinions” a total of sixteen. “Financial institutions should adhere to the principle of differentiated treatment, with the principle of helping and controlling to meet the reasonable capital requirements of the steel and coal enterprises.” “Opinions” require strict control on the credit input for the new capacity of non-compliance. For those steel and coal newly-added production capacity projects that have not obtained the legal formalities, they shall not provide any credit support and stop the loans to the enterprises that have newly increased production capacity in violation of regulations. For long-term losses, loss of solvency and market competitiveness of enterprises and backward production capacity, determined to retreat from the relevant
The europium ions doped MMoO_4(M=Sr,Ba)nanophosphors were successfully synthesized via a facile hydrothermal method using isopropanol.The relationship between p
目前 ,高等职业教育快速发展 ,各职业技术学院雨后春笋般出现 ,甚至连县一级的中等职校也在试办“3 +2”。我们在高兴之余 ,也有几分忧虑。例如 ,高职教育如何定位?怎样办出特色
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目的 研究合肥市居民心血管病发病和死亡规律 ,寻找防治措施。方法 对前 5年和后 5年平均死亡率、标化死亡率、年龄别死亡率及寿命损失年 (YPLL)进行比较。结果 居民全死