Modern imaging of the tracheo-bronchial tree

来源 :World Journal of Radiology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gaoqiongfang
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Recent state-of-the-art computed tomography and improved three-dimensional(3-D) postprocessing techniques have revolutionized the capability of visualizing airway pathology,offering physicians an advanced view of pathology and allowing for appropriate management planning.This article is a comprehensive review of trachea and main bronchi imaging,with emphasis on the dynamic airway anatomy,and a discussion of a wide variety of diseases including,but not limited to,congenital large airway abnormalities,tracheobronchial stenoses,benign and malignant neoplasms and tracheobronchomalacia.The importance of multiplanar reconstruction,3-D reconstruction and incorporation of dynamic imaging for non-invasive evaluation of the large airways is stressed. Recent state-of-the-art computed tomography and improved three-dimensional (3-D) postprocessing techniques have revolutionized the capability of visualizing airway pathology, offering physicians an advanced view of pathology and allowing for management strategies. This article is a comprehensive review of trachea and main bronchi imaging, with emphasis on the dynamic airway anatomy, and a discussion of a wide variety of diseases including, but not limited to, congenital large airway abnormalities, tracheobronchial stenoses, benign and malignant neoplasms and tracheobronchomalacia. the importance of multiplanar reconstruction, 3-D reconstruction and incorporation of dynamic imaging for non-invasive evaluation of the large airways is stressed.
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很久以前,家在近郊,桑葚的红紫,杨桃的青绿,茉莉的皎白,菊花的金黄,都曾是为我美好童年打底的绚烂,但总是不及村里青石戏台上上演的一幕幕悲欢离合的戏曲留下的妖娆。  记忆里最厚重的大戏台是用大石块砌成的,灰白的色调干净而古朴。一旁大榕树的枝桠碰碎了一地的阳光,斑驳的叶影在青石上闪烁着,倒也颇有几分盎然古意。不唱戏的时候,戏台就用来晒粮食,那时,黄澄澄的谷子铺满了整个戏台,粒粒腆着饱满的肚腹静卧在毛茸
亲爱的同学,当你看到这期的《初中生世界》时,你一定已经离开熟悉的小学校园,成为一名中学生了。首先让我这个新朋友对你表示热烈的欢迎和祝贺,从小学到中学,这可是你漫长人生中的一次重要跨越。昨天,你还是依偎在父母身边的懵懂小孩:今天。你就要成长为勇于担当敢于挑战的自强少年。一切,你都准备好了吗?  告别了同窗六年的学友,你是否有一些恋恋不舍?就把昨日的友情悄悄地放在心底,带着热情的笑容来认识你的新同学吧
主要介绍了宁夏地区秸秆综合利用的意义、现状及秸秆资源开发利用的潜力等方面,表明了秸秆综合利用的重要性和必要性。 This paper mainly introduces the significance, cu