In early 1985, Xu Yinping and her husband Pan Zhongqian came to Rome from Milan, in the city center to buy a small restaurant, called “Venus Restaurant.” They simply open the door to decorate. To save, the kitchen only two people, the work of the restaurant by the two of them wrapped up. In addition to entertaining guests, Xu Yinping also wipes tables and chairs, wash the floor, wash the toilet ... ... General restaurant tablecloths are washed by the company package, Xu Yinping insisted on his own wash, ironing tablecloths every day, often ironed into the night one or two o’clock. At that time, her daughter, Tijiana, was only 3 years old, had no money to hire a nanny, and took her own control. Sleepy children at night, slept in a restaurant on a bench, and sometimes more guests, benches for the guests to sit, the child lying on the trash lid