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1946年民国三十五年一月二十三日星三腊月二十一日晴午后风起阅《贤博编》一卷,著休宁叶权中甫撰,首有勋贤里人程涓巨源序,称中甫籍钱塘诸生,则徽人而家于杭者也。又称朝鲜内讧,钱塘患之,中甫条上《御倭十二策》于督府李公,李公大奇之, 将荐于朝。以诸生从行间,会彼逮而事罢,叶事历所知者仅此。所谓督府李公,意即李如松也。又称中甫之编成而旋即世,迄今且二十年矣。朝鲜复国在万历二十年(1592)后,然则是编之刻, 当在启祯之时,观序中有曰:公隆万间人也。一语可以知之,此编多举目击之事,不务剿袭,不轻信传闻,在明人说部中可称高手,纪倭事颇详,馀 On January 23, 1946, the Republic of China January 23 on the twelfth lunar month, the afternoon after the wind started reading “Yin Bo series,” a volume, Giant source, said the students in Qiantang, the emblem of the people at home also Hangzhou. Also known as the infighting of North Korea, Qiantang suffering from the Central Plains, “Imperial War twelve policy” in the government office Li Gong, Li Gong Dazi, will be recommended in North Korea. With all the students from the line, will catch it and things leave, calendar only know this. The so-called government Li Gong, meaning that Li Ru Song also. Also known as the Central Plains compiled and around the world, so far and two decades. North Korea Restoration in Wanli two decades (1592), then it is the series of engraving, when the time of the Qizhen, the order has said: Gong Long million people also. The phrase can be known, this series of multiple sightings, do not exterminate the attack, not gullible rumors, in the Ming said the Ministry can be said to master, JiWu thing quite, rest
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Sea cucumber and cordyceps sinensis are used as both food and traditional medicines in Asia. This study was carried out in order to investigate the hpyerglycemi
经过友好磋商 中国与欧盟5月 19日在京就中国加入世界贸易组织 达成双边协议。这标志着我国“入世”将进入最后的加入程序阶段。今年以来,全国“扫黄”“打非”行动连破重大案件
1974年冬~1976年春我们对毛细支气管炎进行了研究,证明其主要病原是呼吸道合胞病毒(以下简称合胞病毒)。1975年12月我们从1例二岁四个月支气管肺炎 From the winter of 1974