
来源 :国画家 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lovemy521
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“新文人画”的提法,容易使人想到旧文人画,这样也好,看旧比新,对待传统文人画必要的观照也许更有利于清晰地认识新文人画的方方面面。成为历史的那些传统文人画家,就其绘画事业来说具备哪些优劣势呢?文人画家,首先是文人。传统文人是封建知识分子,“达则兼济天下,穷则独善其身”是他们的人生信条。绘画之事对于这些文化人来说,既不能成为经国大业造福生民的不朽之举,又不能成为其立命修身立德立言的终生事业,画画只能是其“德成而上”的人生追求中的末事。在其人生顺利通达之时,绘画事微言轻只能是其道德文章的补充, “New literati painting ” is easy to make people think of the old literati painting, so Ye Hao, see the old than the new, the necessary treatment of traditional scholar painting may be more conducive to a clear understanding of all aspects of the new literati painting. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the traditional literati artists who have become history in terms of their painting business? The literati painters, above all, the literati. Traditional literati are feudal intellectuals, “Tathagata and the world economy, poverty is the only good ” is their credo of life. For these cultural people, the matter of painting can neither be an immortal act for the benefit of the nation by the great cause of our country, nor can it be the lifelong cause of establishing its own morality and justification. Painting can only be achieved by “ ”The pursuit of the last thing in life. At a time when his life is smooth and comfortable, the painstaking painting can only be a supplement to his moral articles,
项目概况 天阳·20号地块东邻规划中的丰庆路,南临振华路和留祥路100米绿化带,西邻永兴河,北接五里塘河、三墩路,祥符南路从地块中间穿越,将土地分为南北两块。 项目总用地面
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