
来源 :湖南政报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ynhappyma
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为了适应当前农业合作化与农业增产运动的要求,使教育密切联系实际,并为今后逐步加强学生的工、农业生产知识教育,以求逐步作到为工、农业生产服务,我厅决定1955—1956学年度第2学期各普通中学初中3年2期一律增设“农业生产知识”课程。我们增设这一课程的目的,是要对初中学生加强基本的农业生产技术教育,希望通过这一课程的学习,进一步树立、巩固学生的社会主义劳动观点,养成劳动习惯,使学生获得一般的农业生产知识和技能,并使教学工作密切联系实际,促进学生的体力和智力的全面发展,以适应社会主义建设的实际需要。为了很好地达到这个目的,各校应加强思 In order to adapt to the current requirements of agricultural cooperation and agricultural production increase, education is closely linked to reality, and for the future to gradually strengthen the students’ knowledge of industrial and agricultural production knowledge, in order to gradually serve for industrial and agricultural production, our office decided 1955— In the second semester of the 1956 semester, the regular secondary school junior high school 3 years and 2 years will have additional “agricultural production knowledge” courses. The purpose of adding this course is to strengthen basic agricultural technical education for junior high school students. We hope that through this course, we will further establish and reinforce students’ socialist labor viewpoints and develop labor habits so that students can get a general Agricultural production knowledge and skills, and make the teaching work closely with the actual, and promote the students’ physical and intellectual development in an all-round way, in order to meet the actual needs of socialist construction. In order to achieve this goal, schools should strengthen their thinking
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同志们: 今天我们在这里召开全市基础教育工作会议,主要是贯彻落实全国和全省基础教育工作会议精神,部署今后几年我市基础教育工作。下面,我主要对“九五”以来我市基础教育
1.剪剪拼拼你能将图1所示的六边形剪三刀拼成一个正五角星吗? 2.趣移火柴图2是由24根火柴摆成的图案,你能移动其中的四根火柴,便能显示出三个正方形的图案吗? 1. Cut, cut,