Analysis of Contraceptive Knowledge among Married Reproductive Women in China

来源 :Reproduction & Contraception | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:enidzhangjuan
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To investigate how well the married reproductive women in China have the contraceptive knowledge and its influencing factors Data & Methods The data derived from “The national survey on population and reproductive health in 1997” executed by State Family Planning Commission (SFPC) were analyzed. Results It showed that the contraceptive knowledge of married reproductive women was poor in China. Only 5.9% of women got full mark (4 points) in the survey and 42.5% of them got zero. In this survey, married reproductive women got lower marks were those who were older, in rural area, with low education levels themselves and their husbands; with a non Han husband, later menarche onset and earlier marriage; who had never received gynecological examination, or courses for newly married. Conclusion Spreading contraceptive knowledge among married reproductive women should be one of the central missions of family planning services in future. The focus should be put on those women we mentioned above. Regular gynecological examinations should be carried out and the education for newly married people should be more efficient. When the courses of contraceptive knowledge are provided,both husband and wife should attend. To investigate how well the married reproductive women in China have the contraceptive knowledge and its influencing factors Data & Methods The data derived from “The national survey on population and reproductive health in 1997” executed by State Family Planning Commission (SFPC) were analyzed. It showed that the contraceptive knowledge of married reproductive women was poor in China. Only 5.9% of women got full mark (4 points) in the survey and 42.5% of them got zero. In this survey, married reproductive women got lower marks were those who had older, in rural area, with low education levels themselves and her husbands; with a non-husband husband; later menarche onset and earlier marriage; who had never received gynecological examination, or courses for newly married. Conclusion Spreading contraceptive knowledge in married reproductive women should be one of the central missions of family planning services in future. The focus should be put on those women we ment ioned above. Regular gynecological examinations should be carried out and the education for newly married people should be more efficient. When the courses of contraceptive knowledge are provided, both husband and wife should attend.
长期以来,在人们的心目中,慈禧都是一个专横、残暴的妖后。其实慈禧身上也有其人性的一面。  慈禧之父惠征任安徽宁池广太道道台时,适逢洪秀全率太平军在广西金田村起事。当太平军席卷安徽时,惠征和清朝许多地方官吏一样,为保全身家性命弃广太于不顾,闻风而逃。谁知太平军过后,朝廷重建地方统治秩序,惠征因擅离职守而被摘掉了头上的顶戴花翎。丢了乌纱帽后,惠征整天郁郁寡欢,不久竟然驾鹤西去。  惠征生有二女二男,他