来源 :Chinese Journal of Cancer Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wdwd521
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Objective: To study the mechanism, clinical characteristics, therapy regimens, and survival of cervical carcinoma metastases to the brain. Methods: We retrospectively analyzed 11 patients with brain metastases from cervical carcinoma. Results: Two cases were at stage lb, two at IIa, and seven at IIIb, respectively. Histologically, they were squamous cell carcinoma (6 cases), adeno-squamous carcinoma (2 cases), small cell carcinoma (2 cases), or adenocarcinoma (1 cases), poorly differentiated. Eight were accompanied with lung, liver, and bone metastases disease and three had no any other systemic metastases at the time of the brain metastases diagnosis. Two had controlled, and other nine were uncontrolled or progressive primary disease. The median interval from the diagnosis of the primary carcinoma to the detection of brain lesion was 14.6 months. Headache was the most common symptom of brain metastases. Eight of 11 patients developed multiple lesions and other 3 cases had a solitary lesion in brain. The patients were treated by combination of surgery and whole brain radiation therapy (WBRT) (3 cases), stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) (3 cases), or WBRT (5 cases). The patients had a median survival of 6.6 months. Conclusion: Brain metastases are not always a late complication of cervical carcinoma. The development of the metastases is related to pathological type, poorly differentiation, and advanced stage. Surgery and SRS arc the appropriate therapy regimen for these patients. Objective: To study the mechanism, clinical characteristics, therapy regimens, and survival of cervical carcinoma metastases to the brain. Methods: We retrospectively analyzed 11 patients with brain metastases from cervical carcinoma. Results: Two cases were at stage lb, two at IIa, and seven at IIIb, respectively. Histologically, they were squamous cell carcinoma (6 cases), adeno-squamous carcinoma (2 cases), small cell carcinoma (2 cases), or adenocarcinoma (1 cases), poorly differentiated. Eight were accompanied with lung, liver, and bone metastases disease and three had no any other systemic metastases at the time of the brain metastases diagnosis. Two had controlled, and the other nine were uncontrolled or progressive primary disease. The median interval from the diagnosis of the primary carcinoma to the detection of brain lesion was 14.6 months. Headache was the most common symptom of brain metastases. Eight of 11 patients developed multiple lesions and other 3 cases had a soli The patients were treated by combination of surgery and whole brain radiation therapy (WBRT) (3 cases), stereotactic radiosurgery (3 cases), or WBRT (5 cases). The patients were treated for a median survival of 6.6 months. Conclusion: Brain metastases are not always a late complication of cervical carcinoma. The development of the metastases is related to pathological type, poorly differentiation, and advanced stages. Surgery and SRS arc the appropriate therapy regimen for these patients.
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