Passivation of Ge surface treated with trimethylaluminum and investigation of electrical properties

来源 :Journal of Materials Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:woailzm002
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In the current work, in situ surface passivation Ge substrate by using trimethylaluminum(TMA) prior to HfTiO films deposition and electrical properties of HfTiO/Ge gate stacks have been investigated by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy(XPS) and electrical measurements systematically. Based on analysis from XPS measurements, it has been confirmed that the interfacial layer of HfTiO/Ge gate stack has been suppressed effectively after 20 half-ALD cycles TMA pretreatment. Electrical properties of metal-oxidesemiconductor(MOS) capacitor based on HfTiO gate dielectrics have shown that the MOS capacitor with20 cycles TMA cleaning exhibits the lowest interface state density(~7.56 eV~(-1)cm~(-2)) and the smallest leakage current(~2.67 × 10~(-5)A/cm~2). Correspondingly, the leakage current conduction mechanisms for MOS capacitor device with 20 cycles TMA cleaning also have been discussed in detail. In the current work, in situ surface passivation Ge substrate by using trimethylaluminum (TMA) prior to HfTiO films deposition and electrical properties of HfTiO / Ge gate stacks have been investigated by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and electrical measurements systematically. Based On analysis from XPS measurements, it has been confirmed that the interfacial layer of HfTiO / Ge gate stack has been suppressed effectively after 20 half-ALD cycles TMA pretreatment. Electrical properties of metal-oxide semiconductor (MOS) capacitor based on HfTiO gate dielectrics have shown that the MOS capacitor exhibits the lowest interface state density (~ 7.56 eV ~ (-1) cm -2) and the smallest leakage current (~ 2.67 × 10 -5 A / cm ~ 2) Correspondingly, the leakage current conduction mechanisms for MOS capacitor device with 20 cycles TMA cleaning also have been discussed in detail.
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